I was already thinking of names right when I saw the finale and the announcement for the new show on Sunday. I can't wait. All I care about is Boston Rob.
He is one of my all time favorites just for his humor and I love his accent. He is for sure going to be on the show. I see him as a hero but I bet they would classify him as a villain.
He comes off as cut throat in parts of the game but overall is a teddy bear and when it comes to Amber he is a real sweet heart. I just love to watch him. But I think I would like to see Ozzie come on and win because he got robbed twice already and has put more heart and effort into this game than anyone else has.
Here are my 20 picks I believe this will be the cast... Heroes Ozzie for sure! Third time will be a charm for him. Hope he wins the whole thing.
Rupert (pirate), J.T. (gotta love the country boy) Tom Westman (won 17 challenges individual and tribe - that's amazing), James Clement, Bob Crowley (gotta love the bow tie) Stephenie LaGrossa (she was the best female to ever play this game in my opinion), Tina Wesson (Australia winner - she was a strong female player), Bobby Jon, Yau Man because he has such a great heart and plays with a great spirit! Villains I'm sure Russell will be back (can't stand him though), Coach, Parvati, Boston Rob, Johnny Fairplay (although they shouldn't let him back on after he quit and left early on Favorites vs. Fans), Rich, Todd (China), Jerri (she is pure evil, hate her), Randy from Gabon, and Jonathon Penner
I believe this will be the cast... Heroes Rupert Boneham, James “J.T. € Thomas, Tom Westman, Colby Donaldson, James Clement, Stephenie LaGrossa, Amanda Kimmel, Jessica ‘Sugar’ Kiper, Cirie Fields and Candice Woodcock Villains Jerri Manthey, Parvati Shallow, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Courtney Yates, Danielle DiLorenzo, Rob “Boston Rob†Mariano, Randy Bailey, Tyson Apostol, Ben “Coach†Wade and Russell Hantz http://www.homorazzi.com/article/survivor-20-cast-list-revealed-heroes-vs-villains-survivors-contestants.
The ultimate villan. Russel from Season 19. It would not be complete without him.
This gives him a second chance at the perfect game. Although it will be much harder as everyone will be gunning for him this time. Russel's only mistake was thinking a jury would pick better game play over their own feelings of getting the butts kicked by him.
Bring him back as a villan and let all their socks be burnt to a crisp!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.