Superman Fly into the air and before the hulk can jump, obliterate him with his lasers, simple ;) is this doesn't work, take the hulk into space (superman can apparently move the moon) Super man would over kill hulk. First of all hulk is too stupid to know super man's weakness and second of all super man is tougher, smarter, he can fly and is way faster hulk would win if hulk gets angrier he gets stronger by any hit.
It would all depend on exactly how angry David Banner was at the moment of transformation. The Hulk's strength is proportional to this. Superman's strength, however, is a fixed constant."As the Hulk, Banner is capable of immense feats of strength, which increases with his feelings of rage and anger" Ergo, if Banner were angry enough, he could generate a Hulk-out capable of defeating Superman.
I think that superman would win the fight because he has several advantages like: flight, super speed, super strenght(a lot stronger than the Incredible Hulk), super hearing, super breath and different vision powers(x-ray, heat-emitting, telescopic, infra-red, and microscopic vision) and because his only weakness is the kriptonite.
When you watch the superman movies, Lois is always having to save him. Betty never saves Hulk. Superman gets beat by Lex Luther!
Hulk destroyed everyone in the Marvel Universe at the same time even! Superman got punked by Doomsday! Every weapon Superman has was used on Hulk by a Marvel Character with the same skill.It has never worked!
Hulk could stop Superman's speed with a Thunderclap. Superman may be fast but he also has to get close enough to punch Hulk. Hulk is going to get pretty ticked off with Superman flying around punching him at super speed.
Sooner or latter, Hulk will land a punch and Superman will be too sore to be doing any hot shot flying. Im sorry, no disrespect intended but Superman is over rated. There are lots of people in the Marvel Universe who would slaughter him.
I am going to say Superman because he has endurance. As Mark pointed out, David Banner has to be angry, and Superman is not a figure that typically causes people to become angry (except perhaps Lex Luther). So, all Superman has to do is avoid the Hulk until he calms down or wears out, and then he is has him.
I would like to point out that it would never happen given that Hulk is Marvel and Superman is DC and never the two shall cross....
Hulk will win, ive been doing some research and I came up with a decent point. I think hulk will win because superman cannot get sronger than he already is but hulks power is infinite. At first superman would be beating him up and hulk will just get up more angrier then he was before so eventually hulks power will surpass even the great power of superman.
Theres no doubt that superman is amazingly strong but hulk has the pontential to become much stronger , yes superman may be faster but I think if hulk can catch him he can destroy him. Heres another good point in supermans favor , supermans speed plays a huge role in this one. Superman can fly around the world and eventually turn back time to when bruce banner has yet to infected with gamma rays thus being a completely unfair fight , a Human vs Superman.
Yes but superman can just fly right through him - he can fly fast enough to spin the whole world backwards! He has freeze breath and laser eyeballs and can sucker punch like a chick! He can fly, for crying out loud - how would the hulk even catch him?
Don't you have to catch someone before beating them to death? And superman truly is invincible unless you punch him with some kryptonite and where is the hulk going to get that, especially since its fictional? My god people, take this question seriously!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.