I have to say (it's Britney, b****! ) BRITNEY SPEARS! She's been through the media fire and more scrutiny than anyone.
She would bring a fresh perspective to the show. I loved her Circus Tour. I'd love to see her go up against that shark Ryan Seacrest too.
I think she could single-handedly put the ratings through the roof. Yeah, I nominate Britney for sure, and tell her don't forget to bring the whip, Kapow!
I'm not sure everyone has the formula right. You're all looking for a woman, when I think that was less what Paula was about than the fact that she was crap-flinging crazy. Here's my list: Mike Tyson Danny Bonaduce Courtney Love Tom Cruise Tell me you wouldn't watch that.
Someone who's in music industry as well. I mean, I love Ellen but I doubt she's going to be a good replacement for Paula Abdul. Yes I know Paula's judgment sometimes is sooo out of this world but the chemistry between the three (Randy, Simon and Paula) is working well right?
I can't think of any better replacement for Paula. I think it's better if they didn't kick her out... I can't think of anyone who'll be as crazy as Paula. T.
T Can they just bring her back instead?
Susan Boyle! It would be nice to see her as a judge, since she was judge by the whole world! And she is funny too.
I wouldn't have picked anyone. I would have left it at 3 judges. That worked for many seasons prior to last season, so I don't think a 4th judge is needed.
If there truly was a need for a 4th judge, i'd pick someone who is/was part of the music industry, like Madonna, or even someone from this list: digitaldreamdoor.nutsie.com/pages/best_a....
I think judge joe brown should be americans idol judgeg.
Id pick Michael jack.....oh wait....never mind....how about Billy Ma...oh wait never mind again..... Hum I think Id like to see someone whose just so different..... Hugh Laurie (because....I want to hear more of his true English accent) Bubba the Love Sponge (because he is really just STRAIGHT up with people) Hulk Hogan (He REALLY needs the money (his wife is a stupid....not going there) and it would be cool to see him in the lime light again).
Sharon Osbourne because she already has experience in the field of singing contests from the x factor show and she proved good and a likeable judge in that. Also she added humour to the x factor and could do the same for American Idol.
If it really was absolutely, absolutely necessary to have a fourth judge, then I'd seriously consider the ladies below. Yes, I'd pick a lady since I do think a woman's perspective is important (and I don't want to rely on Kara to do the job). Note that these ladies all made their careers in music (unlike Ellen Degeneres).1.
Lisa Loeb
She's a sweet, funny, and charismatic person and entertainer. 2. Susanna Hoffs (from The Bangles)
She knows the ups and downs. And she's an amazing woman!3. Jennifer Lopez URL3 Maybe AI would be beneath her, but obviously she knows how to work an album and how to work Hollywood and the public image.
Lot of personality and strength there.
I agree....3 judges was enough. 4 makes the show way too long...and it ran over a few times last season. I would leave it alone.
I definitely would have kept it at just three judges or they could have gone back to what they did in one of the earlier seasons where they had a guest judge who was different each week. They could just have the mentor for the week sit with the judges and add their criticism or observations from working with the contestants that week. They are usually accomplished musicians and know the business and they spend some time advising each idol contestant so they would have some interesting insight to offer.
I'm glad I don't have to cringe every time it is Paula's turn to talk. I just couldn't listen to her rambling. She went on way too long and never really said anything that had substance.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.