Whose fault (really) is the Gulf oil leak? Transocean, the drilling company hired by BP, or British Patroleum itself?

The buck MUST and will stop somewhere and that is usually at the top. The CEO of BP is ultimately at fault because the leak happened on his watch. I mean if we could get right down to personal specifics and the exact movement or motion or action or lack of action the was the "At that moment" catalyst we could say that the person most hands on directly responsible for that catalyst is responsible but I feel everything that happens under the watch of the captain is the fault of the captain.. in this case that is the BP CEO Tony Hayward.

Otherwise we could fault the person who invented underwater drilling, or the dinosaurs the decomposed into the oil to begin with, or the inventor of the internal combustion engine, or the big bang for creating the universe, or God for creating the universe, or the asteroid that impacted the Earth and created the Gulf Of Mexico, or the religious conflicts in the Middle East for creating a demand for "Not Middle Eastern" oil, etc, etc, etc, etc,....... etc In the end the person responsible and that should be held the most accountable is Tony Hayward because the rest is conjecture, opinion, and nonsensical finger pointing. Tony was in charge and is responsible for the actions of every single person working underneath him.. and all of the people under them.. or contracted by them.. e v e r y o n e. The actions of everyone under Tony are in essence.. Tony's actions.

I believe it is Transocean's fault for they are the ones drilling and should make sure their job is being done right. Check out this link.

The fault the leak occured is mostly a matter of bad luck. With anything to do with this sort of real world tech, there is always a degree of risk involved - the percentage might be incredibly small, but eventually something will go wrong, somewhere along the track. It was an 'accident' and no one is directly to blame for the cause.

The fault regarding the leak continuing however is very much BP. They are to worried that they will cause further damage to the pipeline to try certain methods, regardless of the fact that any more damage would NOT INCREASE THE DAMAGE TO THE ENVIRONMENT. The hole in the pipe is the perfect size for the amount of pressure pumped through (i,e; a bigger hole would not allow more oil to escape).

Several people have attempted to get their views heard by BP, prominent people, who have simply found that their views have fallen on deaf ears, with no return phone calls, or anything. The 'we are seeking help from the community via twitter' play is simply a PR department trying to recoup something from this mess.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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