Why are Russian Women considered the best wives, girlfriends, sex partnerts, etc?

I agree with your points; I agree with every word that you said because I've met some people just like you. I would say Asian people would be most likely to date white women and maybe a small percentage of blacks. Asians are friendly, smart, they can carry a family, protective, and very trusting.

Asians have morals and they will never cheat/divorce/or abandon you for a prettier girl. I'm Indian Asian and a lot of Indians marry white women and you can trust them. I'm from Texas, let me say it again TEXAS.

Mexicans hate Mexicans and mexican girls want sex and money too. I heard of mexicans saying bad stuff about their own race and how they would NEVER marry someone their race. I see what they see.

Some indians look like mexicans (people even ask me if i'm mexican) and all Asians don't look the same. Some asians can be white, some black, some brown, and there are a different variety of cultures. I would recommend Indian-American, Korean-American, Fillipino-American, Italian-American, and people from Thailand.

Also you can try people who are half mexican and half white, but they're kind of hard to find and notice. I love people who are half mexican and half white though, they're so kind and talk to everybody and always have a smile on their face. They seem like they're the most happiest and kindiest people in the world.

I'm sure that Mexicans in America are WAY different from Mexicans in Europe. But I've never been to Europe so I can't say much. Also I would like to say that I've met some nice, smart, good looking, loyal mexican guys and that's because I'm a college (university) student.

Most dirty types don't go to universities. But in your case, they might be hard to find. That's ok though.

I really don't think you're generalizing, heck blacks sometimes think they same way about their race because for Mexicans and Blacks it's tough to find a good guy within their race and I understand that. That's why they don't date within their race because they have to have luck sometimes to find a decent guy.

You can, but you seem to have serious self-esteem issues, be proud of your ethnicity, be proud of your nationality (well just have a mutual like for it I guess), and don't generalize all guys as the same. Our countries too big to be categorized, and you're making it like people from the USA are all whores or mansluts. Besides you are only seeming to bring Mexicans into the picture, not all nationalities of the world.

You're generalizing too much and that bothers me. Sorry to say but honestly you come off as a little ignorant. Just have more confidence in yourself and think on the good side of things, and it'll work out.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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