Why are some parents so strict? Are you really strict?

Lol, I would take CPS over that. Good luck with trying to enforce all those rules. You might as well give up already, lol.

Also, you can't force him to go to church. Monitored text messages, remember he is 15. No rap music, lol.

Kelli said it best. You have to find some kind of medium. Try some incentives and not so many rules.

I'm going to speak to you as a teenager who's gone through a lot and knows the "crowds" in high school. I agree about the wardrobe thing, whole heartedly. People like that are only viewed as cool by other "gangsta" people, all others view them as trash.

Drug tests are a good thing as well, especially if you know him to have done drugs before. No sex should be permitted at all of course since he is 15. On the rap music, I feel like some vulgar language can be permitted within reason since all music these days throws in one or two "curse" words, but a lot of rap has bad influential lyrics.

Of course, it is all within your perception of "bad" music, but I feel you cannot monitor him on ALL of his music since he can listen freely out of your household that the songs he listens to should just be based off the message they send. As I said, many songs throw in "damn" or things like that, but if the music is mostly clean and you don't feel like it's going to influence him negatively it's fine. The locked doors thing is good if you feel he does drugs, smokes, or other things not acceptable in his room.

Everything about school is fine, since that's the default rule in almost every household. Let's talk about the limits. The rule in my friends household which I'd readily follow is that you can use the electronics within reason as long as you get up to go to the school the next day.

I use my cell phone as an alarm, so taking it away at 10pm would affect me being able to wake up. You could enforce this curfew if you feel like he has no use for it and uses it to a point he loses sleep, but if not I feel like it's unneeded. I REALLY agree about the friends thing, because my friend's brother is in a bad group of friends and that's the only reason he does bad things.

If he has an xbox or any electronic gaming equipment, I'd listen to who he talks to online as well since that's the major influence on my brother's friend. There should not be a curfew. Let me explain, as an advanced student I sometimes need to stay extended hours to finish projects at my friends house.

He should not have a curfew and should HAVE TO BE HOME RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL unless you KNOW where he is and have conformation from another parent or something onto where he is because he could be walking around smoking or doing bad things with his friends. This is ONLY because of his current lifestyle, and if he shapes up to a good kid you could easily change it. The internet being MONITORED is an iffy thing because there is a thing called "private browsing" to which you cannot go back and see where you went.

I feel like you shouldn't monitor it but if he has a facebook/tumblr/twitter to have his username or have him added so you can see what he writes or who he talks to. The text message thing is fine. The chores will teach him a sense of responsibility.

The counseling sessions are for drugs I assume, and those are fantastic. The church thing is alright, but if he is not religious or does not believe then he shouldn't be forced. If he's just being lazy then sure, take him to church and show him your faith.

He might start following the word of God and shape up. Again, if he's just offended because he doesn't believe in that certain faith then you shouldn't force him because he'll never be able to trust you and he'll feel constrained, and that can cause kids to rebel. Now some of these limits like internet/text monitoring in my opinion should only be enforced because of his current lifestyle.

If you grow to trust him, they should be lifted to give him a feeling of freedom so he can trust you, you know? (Within reason of course.) Also, check up on him at night and make sure he's in bed because he could sneak out. At least until you begin to trust him.

Thanks for reading. Edit; From your additional details, that sounds fine. I was saying the curfew thing because I did not know he had out of school programs, but that's ok.

The cell phone thing makes perfect sense.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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