Why are the Occupy Wall Street Protesters protesting Wall Street rather than government?

Wall Street, Unions, Lobbyist, Super PACS, Special Interest Groups would ALL lose their HOLD over those 536 Professional Politicians in Washington, DC if WE did not HAND OVER so much Power and Control to them: Here's what I've been trying to get out to People to send to their Congressmen and Friends and Newspaper's: 1) Require States to Pay the Salary, Retirement,Travel and Living Expenses, and Staffing Needs of their own US Senators and Representatives in the House. (They could not set their own pay and benefits that way) 2) All Legislators can NEVER vote to "Exempt" themselves from any Law they Pass. For Example, healthcare and Insider Trading (both of which they exempted members of Congress from having to comply) 3) Same Term Limits as the President.

If you sit out a Term and Run again and your Constituency wants you back you can do 2 more Terms, then sit again. It will Stop Politicians from Making it a Career Choice, rather than Public Service. 4) Turn over Control and Funding of the Dept.

Of Ed, EPA, Dept of Commerce, Health and Social Services, Land Management, Parks, etc Back to the States to Operate as they deem appropriate for their Respective States. IF Congress did not have CONTROL of Purse Strings, they would not be such a BIG, Corrupt Target for Lobbyists and Contributors. 5) Lastly, Citizens and Corporation can ONLY donate to the Campaign of Individuals that Represent the District in which you LIVE and/or Work.

Why should Liberal Unions in New York be Giving Millions of Dollars to a Democratic Senator for Alaska? ONLY one Reason and it's NOT Honorable. This would put power back in the hands of the PEOPLE, much closer to their Level, and allow for More Individualized Programs that Fit the differences of people around the Country that live in Varying Environments.

It would SAVE Hundreds of Billions of Tax Payer Dollars in Washington DC waste and corruption, annually.

There's even one incident in the UK where a surgeon operated on a patient's wrong lung. That's what you get for cheap healthcare since doctors won't be scared of getting sued. Here, people sue people for no apparent reason, which is why healthcare is so expensive.

But in the bright side, there's fewer idiot doctors around to sue. This is corporate America. Huge businesses/corporations are the ones that truly drive this country (Apple, Microsoft, Google, Ford, Facebook, etc). All that occupy folks do is whine and blame others for the financial crisis that they themselves took part of.

Banks did their part, but so does the end consumer who wanted to get a house. If you're earning $2000 a month and sub-prime mortgage would cost you monthly interest-only payments of $1500, would you think that too stupid and risky? Damn right it is!

It's a death warrant waiting to happen. Even a 10-year old would know that you can't get something for $10 if you only have $5. Plain simple.

Now people can't pay for their sub-prime mortgages (result of banks competing against online loans) that they shouldn't have never taken in the first place, they blame the banks? They should blame themselves too. The smart Americans in this country will just ride this crisis out, do their best, trying hard to look for jobs or get additional eduction in the meantime instead of standing outside with other morons with placards blaming others.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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