Why do Evangelical Christians proclaim that Mormons do not believe in Jesus Christ?

Speaking as someone who was raised Evangelical but seems increasingly distant from that tradition, I'll try to answer the question. From reading that I've done (of both Evangelical and Mormon sources) and conversations that I've had with LDS missionaries, members of the LDS Church believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God according to the flesh. What Mormons mean by this is that Jesus Christ is the spirit-child of God the Father who chose to "humble himself and become obedient to the point of death--even death on a cross" on behalf of humankind.

The problem, for Evangelicals, is that Lucifer, who became Satan, is Jesus half-brother, so to speak. Jesus seems to be a creature of God rather than the Creator, as the Gospel of John (and the Great Tradition of Christianity) teach. The LDS view of Christ clearly goes beyond--and most Evangelicals would say that it contradicts--the canonical Scriptures accepted by all Christian churches.

Since for Evangelicals, the Bible alone is the inspired, inerrant, and infallible word of God written, and since Mormon teaching contradicts the plain meaning of both Scripture and of the wisest Church tradition, they conclude that the LDS Church honours "another Jesus" and preaches "another Gospel. "There are other reasons (usually having to do with the Trinity or the historicity--or lack thereof--of the stories in the Book of Mormon) but I think what I just said is the heart of the argument. What I'm about to say will probably get me shot by both camps.

I am not a Mormon because I do not believe that the BOM has any basis in historical fact, that Joseph Smith was a prophet, or that Mormon teaching on the nature of God is biblically sound. However, I am a Christian who places my trust in the blood of Jesus for forgiveness of my sin. I know that, in spite of my best efforts to follow the Scripture, teach sound doctrine, and listen to the Spirit, I do not know Jesus perfectly--and I cannot.

But since my heart longs to know him--and since, as eternal God he has the right to choose his friends--I honestly believe that many, many Mormons and Christians will find themselves with God at the end of this age. Not because our doctrine was pure or because we loved as we should--but strictly because Jesus' love for us, his death, and his resurrection, will put us right with God. Alleluia!

Christ is Risen!

I'm guessing a lot of it comes down to ignorance. When you actually look at what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints preaches instead of what the anti-Mormons say, it's clear that Mormons believe in Jesus Christ. I'm a member of the church, and I can say that Christ really is at the center of our worship.

We talk about him and worship in his name every Sunday at church, and we read about him every day in the scriptures. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Savior, and that it is only through s grace that we can be saved. We believe He was born in Bethlehem, lived a sinless life, suffered and died on the cross, and was resurrected three days later.

We believe that He was Jehovah before He came to earth. We believe that He is still our advocate with God the Father, and we try to follow s commandments and .

I think that whatever sect of Christianity a person proclaims to belong to becomes like their sports team. That person wants people to think that his team has the best players, coaches and game plan in order to come out on top. None of us wants to put ourselves in the position to where we believe we are wasting our time trying to pursue salvation and looking for answers in the wrong places.

We are all a product of our environments and upbringings so that comes into play as well. I myself prefer to fellowship with God directly, via the Bible, and no longer belong to a church building. I do believe I am part of the Lord's eternal church though, which is what counts.

I do listen to Christian radio, have podcasts of certain teachers I like, learn more from people such as yourself and pray for wisdom. I'm of no authority and believe each person finds their own path. I have no problem with Mormons personally.

I was raised a Lutheran and my wife had me going to a Baptist church for the longest time. I just find the modern day church experience too secularized for me. I hate the feeling I get of believing that most of the churches deal with the current culture rot by caving in and compromising their beliefs just to retain the flock.

Well, I'll let it go here. I can be a little long-winded at times. God Bless,Tony.

When Evangelical Christians say that Mormons do not believe in Jesus Christ, I believe they mean Mormons do not believe that Jesus is God.

Mormons believe that Jesus is one of the Sons of God, not the only one, and that He is merely our brother. They do not believe m to be God in the flesh, but instead an actual offspring of the supernatural conception made between Mary and God. Mormons also believe that God was once a human, like us, and achieved deity by living a perfect life, then was given a planet to populate and rule over (as each Mormon believes they will also get the chance to achieve if they can earn it).

It is not a Christian religion because they do not believe in the deity of Christ.

Well, I had the privilege of sitting next to some wonderful young Mormons recently on a busride into town. They were friendly, enthusiastic, non-confrontational, interested in me, nice people. They told me about their belief in Jesus and their faith in their church.

I have had evangelical Christians 'witness' to me much more fanatically than these young folks did, but it left me cold. I loved the way they responded when I asked them about polygamy. :-) Oftentimes I look at a person, their sacrifice for Jesus and what they do for their fervor and love for spiritual riches.

That's what I base my decision of a person's spirituality on. I found no fault with these wonderfully enthusiastic, young people who were returning from some public services. How many evangelicals give of themselves to others?

I don't see that many doing it. To me, the embodiment of Christianity is a life of service. If someone is motivated to serve, in Jesus' name, then it is He motivating them.

I don't question that.

Don't worry, they say much the same thing about the Catholics too! :).

I don't know, however from Mormonism's articles of faith they state:We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. See for yourself:scriptures.lds.org/en/a_of_f/1.

Well Brother Timothy I've often wondered why this is a reason to divide Christians. With so much in common we should be partners in faith. I have experienced some of the same negative comments to include we're a cult.

This seems to be their premiss for the out right rejection of our church. With that aside I believe Jesus gave us two things we must do to be with Heavenly Father Love Heavenly Father and Love each other. I'm going to put my money on that approach and hope my fellow Christians unite in the name of Jesus.

When so many stand against what makes us the same if we don't work together we are only showing the weakness of a divided front. Peace.

I don't know. We do believe Jesus to be the Son of God. There was someone who tried to quote things out of context and just doesn't get what LDS members are saying.

I think honesetly, it is because you are told one thing for so long, that you are not open to hearing any variation of anything. You are told it is wrong. You are told everyone else that doesn't believe what you do is going to hell, and you hear rumors and false ideas of what LDS members are really about.

Our beliefs are in the Bible. Jesus himself called himself the son of God, or God is his Father. We believe this.

I'm kinda confused why others don't. I've only been a member of LDS for a year now, but I know I study the Bible too. The teachings of the Church make sense and you don't get that feeling of .."what are you talking about dude..that just SOUNDS wrong" that I've gotten in other churches.

LDS Members base everything they do on being like Christ. We hang pictures of m in our homes and pray in It's the same Jesus who walked on water and broke bread and hung on a cross as everyone else believes.

My personal experience and observation is this: Modern Evangelicals are unsure of what it is that the Mormon's truly believe because of the information that they base their understanding on is not in what we actually teach, but based on what others have proclaimed what Mormon's teach. Even more disturbing is that when a person leaves Mormonism, they tend to take with them bitterness, disappointments, and in and of themselves interpret the doctrines according to their own perceptions. This is true with any religion.

Commonly, people who turn to Atheism after leaving Christianity do this very thing as well. The most problematic experience is when you attempt to show forth how and why Mormon's believe in Jesus Christ. One has to first get past the tainted view that has been developed in much of their thinking.

I do knot know whether they believe in Jesus or not. I know that they do not believe in the things written in the bible, if else they wouldn't believe in the words written in the book of mormon, which often opposites the bible (I have had the pleasure to own one for a little while. Very laughable it you don't take it seriously).

I wouldn't dare to say that they are no christians, that judgement is not on me. I do know though that, compared to the things in the bible, their faith is deformed.

They do so because they are modern-day Pharisees. They worship the scriptures, but not the God who gave the scriptures. They assume that, because God does not speak to them, God must not speak to anyone.

They garnish the graves of dead prophets with one hand and stone living prophets with the other. And, perhaps most importantly...Their ministers realize that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the single biggest threat to the sermonizing industry. It's all about power and pride.

In bearing testimony of Jesus Christ, President nckley spoke of those outside the Church who say Latter-day Saints 'do not believe in the traditional Christ. ' 'No, I don't. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak.

For the Christ of whom I speak has been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. He together with appeared to the boy Joseph Smith in the year 1820, and when Joseph left the grove that day, he knew more of the nature of God than all the learned ministers of the gospel of the ages. '" (LDS Church News Week ending June 20, 1998, p.7).

I believe that they have a specific "Jesus Christ" in which they believe to be true, which comes with characteristics such as the trinity, how God has no body, and so forth. Mormons believe differently, so Christians think that since they don't believe in the same Jesus, they don't believe in the real Jesus, so they must not believe in him at all. This is what I believe are their reasons.

Book of Mormon......I worked as a typesetter for publishers for a few years, so I notice typesetting instructions, and adhere to them, because the authors really do not want anyone to change their words, so when I first read the bible, I could not help but to notice these instructions:Revelation of Christ 22 18:19For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. This statement alone makes Islam, Mormonism, and Jehovah Witnesses separated from the God of the bible, because God is the same today as He has always been, and He does not change nor does He cancel the typesetting instructions. One either believes the bible is the inerrant word of God, or you don't..... it's NOT a pick and mix book!

You certainly do not add or take away from it, all the above stated religions have been based upon 'additional' revelation, well Gods word states that there can be no additional revelation, s bible is sufficient to last mankind until God decides to end it all, and clearly (well actually obscurely, but it gets clearer with study and time as we get nearer to the end) tells mankind HOW the world will end and WHAT to look out for, it provides EVERYTHING we need to find God and have relationship with Anything added to the words of this book is deception and a false religion, which God also told us would happen in None of the false religions believe in the WORD....Muslims say Jesus was JUST another prophet. Mormons deny He is GodJW's deny both demoting Christ to be the Angel Michael. None of the above religions can be called true Christians, because to be 'Christlike' one needs to surrender their rebellion against God, submit their authority to Christ and obey s commands rather than their own wishes.

The Mormon nature of the Godhead is 3 distinct personages with the same purpose to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man thru faith in Christ and works. Jesus Christ in the Christian world brings Salvation to all who believe he is the son of God with no works required as is the case by the thief of the cross. This day thou shalt be with me in paradise is interpreted by the D&C to be a sprit paradise and not heaven and the place where God dwells bieng again a diffent bieng from Jesus Christ with the same purpose as stated above.

For LDS to believe in Christ is not enough you must work and pray and strive and be worthy , do all priesthood ordinances . Be married in the temple and keep all your commitments and commandments. Keep temple promises and repent and pay a full tithe (10% of gross for wage earners) and have family home evening.Do home teaching and visiting teaching, do temple work for ancestors 4 generations back.

Write a journal ,have 1 years food storage on hand,be a good husband,father mother,son,daughter serve in church callings obey your leaders be morally clean ect ect ect. With many more works to add you get the idea.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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