Why does being a virgin seem to bother so many people?

Occupy protests are protesting the corruption that occurs and reoccurs as often as we eat, or so it seems. In more recent times there was the banking scandal about twenty years ago, then came the Savings and loan scandal, followed by Goldman Sachs, Smith Barney and some other brokerages and banks that stole money from the investors as simply as taking a vote of the board for fantastic bonuses and absurd pay increases. Back to the scandals, next and these are certainly out of order, then came the recent taxpayer ripoff to bail out the banks for the sub prime loan fiasco, and there are many more corrupt practices by these over paid top corporate officials.

For instance, if you invest money with these brokerages they charge your portfolio by taking a percentage of the principle that you invested rather than a percentage of the profits if indeed there are any real profits, this would be like your dentist charging you by the quantity of teeth you have in your mouth rather that the amount of work performed. This not about socialism, the poor, the uneducated or Democrats and Republicans save for the corruption of the political leaders. We are sick of an election process that does not allow a third party or independent candidate to gain an elected office, as both the Democrats and Republicans have essentially created a monopoly within our election system.

Yes, there are a few independents, very few, that generally do not have a chance against the super funds that the two major parties command that is supplied by corporate board rooms. Just look at President Obama and his legal collection of millions of dollars from corporate board rooms that require favors in return. Then came Nafta, the North American Free Trade Agreement?

NAFTA put thousands of American workers out of work and sent these jobs off too foreign countries and both political parties favored NAFTA, so don't tell me that the Democrats are pro labor or that the Republican politicos really want smaller government, they don't. Our political process has become a venue for the top corporations to take care of themselves with no respect to right or wrong as it is all about the health of corporations and not the health of the people, freedom, or justice. The Occupy Protests are all about freedom and how or freedoms have eroded over the two centuries of political maneuvering.

But I am sure I left something out. Please ignore the media interviews of cranks and crazy wackos that would protest anything, anywhere, anytime, these oddballs are there to further their own agenda just like the corporation do in government. I guess I have covered it well in the limited time I have invested with the run-on sentences and all.

We want our country back! We want the Tenth Amendment Back, we want the Constitution of the United States of America respected and followed.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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