Why does the US accuse other countries of being 'bad' when they themselves are involved in spying?

It's what governments do, the iranians were caught trying to kill Saudi diplomats in Washington recently huh..

They think they are the don mecca of the planet.

The Brits are the biggest spy's out there. That's how they have survived for so long with a weak military. The whole U.K. is completely monitored by CCTV cameras.

Everywhere you go you are being watched and all your activities are being recorded.In the U.K. many of it's own citizens are constantly being closely monitored by the government. Phone taps are a priority for all citizens who are Muslim or middle eastern descent. The police even place tracking devices on Londoners "Oyster" cards and attached to the bottom of their vehicle undercarriages.

Before you complain of the thorn in your brothers eye. Remove the thorn in your own eye first.

Because the U. S is a big bully - it is THE main cause of terrorism around the world - funded the IRA, funded the Taliban, illegally started a war in Iraq, started posturing against Iran and China. About time it butted out before it is annhiliated, because the time is coming!

Because that's kind of the entire purpose of the CIA. It's not a secret. Governments spy on their enemies and do whatever they can to advance their own interests.It's not at all a new concept.

It has been going on since forever. It's certainly not something that the US invented. There is no trust between the US and Iran.

Why should the US apologize to them? The US makes it very clear that they don't like Iran. I don't think the Soviets apologized for all the spies they sent to America during the Cold War.

The Soviets did everything they could to steal the US's nuclear secrets. You're a fool if you think that the UK doesn't have spies running around in foreign countries. Ever hear of MI6?

The British MI6 went around with the CIA exaggerating the threat of Iraqi WMDs prior to the invasion.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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