I have very good health insurance. 10% copay, low deductible. Not to argue, but I am totally FOR health care reform.
Maybe I am in the minority, but thought I should speak up so you can see that there is at least one person :)
Not the legal, insurance, paperwork nightmare that some people find themselves trapped in. Our family was trapped in that, when we were hit by a car, head-on. No one seemed to focus on our health and our care.
We were even abandoned by some doctors as they didn't want to get involved in the legal paperwork of accident victims. And yes, those of us who have insurance do feel for those who don't. Ours is one of the families who is now paying medical bills and insurance for a young family who has none.
Thank you!
That's simple. Health care reform - "free health care for all" - would mean that the quality of what they are receiving will decline. And why should they have to work hard and pay for health care when people are going to get it free.
Some people don't understand the importance of having a health insurance, they don't know that having one can be very beneficial for a person. swbd.com/health.htm.
I would argue that nearly everyone is for health care reform. It's just that a majority of Americans are against the health care reform bill currently before congress. As for the people who are for the current health care reform bill, I think they are most likely people who have not had enough serious health problems to realize how important quality care is.My husband didn't realize it mattered until I had two major surgeries.
And I can tell you that the first surgery costs me thousands of dollars that my student insurance didn't pay, and I made $14k/year. I still want to be the one responsible for the payments, because no one has as much an interest in my getting quality care as I do. If we have national health care, costs will sky rocket.
The health care system would suffer from misuse and abuse as people realize the extensive benefits of free coverage. (Why drive to the hospital to have your cough treated when an ambulance is free? Why not start getting screened for every type of cancer at age 12?
) When you think about it, there is no limit to the amount of money a person could spend on medical treatment, because we all die in the end. Eventually, skyrocketing costs will lead to rationing, which is why the current bill has mandatory end of life counseling every 5 years for seniors: to convince them that they don't need surgery and to take a painkiller. Can you imagine the burden of just the added counseling costs?
There are simple ways to improve our health care system in America, but they require the government to have less control of our lives, and the only thing Congress wants more than money is power. For instance, if Congress passed serious tort reform and deregulated the health insurance industry, the cost of medical treatment could be drastically reduced. Just think of how much cheaper a doctor could be without an annual malpractice insurance policy of $100k.
Imagine how many fewer tests would be run if doctors weren't practicing defensive medicine. Imagine if you could get health insurance policies that covered only what you want covered, the way you do with your auto and property insurance. Add to that a push for Health Savings Accounts with catastrophic insurance, and health care could suddenly become affordable again.
If this health care reform bill is so good, why is it being rushed through before people have time to read it? And if it is so important, why doesn't it take effect until 2013? This is a coldhearted power grab and will result in worse health care for all but the very rich who can afford private doctors.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.