The HPV vaccine should not be recommended for any women at all. Here's a link to a blog I started a couple years ago about the Gardasil HPV vaccine: URL1 Many, many young girls have experienced extremely bad side effects. Here's another user review site where you can see ratings and comments: one comment copied: My daughter hasn't had a period since her first vaccine and is still suffering.
Looking back I wish I had never listened to her doctor. This is a deadly experiment on our children and it must be stopped. Samantha is still having practically daily migraines.
She has peripheral vision loss she had over one hundred fainting spells with temporary paralysis. It has been a living nightmare for my family. To answer your question, I don't know why it's not prescribed for older women.
I think maybe it's easier to market to younger women because they are less experienced and more easily swayed. Perhaps it's known to be risky and we all know that the older you get, the riskier everything is to your health (pregnancy included), so maybe they are hedging their lawsuits by only marketing to younger women. As far this part of your question: Aren't older sexually active women at risk as well?
If it is not recommended, does this mean they can not get one if at risk? Well, I don't think it has anything to do with how sexually active someone is, as mentioned above. And I don't know how you would determine whether or not someone is 'at risk'.
It's just a vaccine that is supposed to prevent this cervical cancer. I think everyone is equally 'at risk,' I guess unless it's genetic. In any case, I highly recommend staying away from this thing.
The risks (side effects) greatly outweigh any potential benefits.
The HPV vaccination was not recommended for older women because investigation from a natural-history study of human papillomavirus (HPV) have made microbiologist to conclude that the potential benefit of HPV vaccination in older women of about 42 years old or greater is on the low side. The microbiologists found out that infections at baseline were more likely to persist in older than in younger women, therefore Vaccinating girls before they become sexually active reduces the chance that a new cancer causing HPV infection will persist for the 25 to 30 years required to cause invasive cervical cancer. These study was based on the fact that by the time women reach the age 30, most women would have been infected with the HPV types covered by the vaccines, and women are not getting that many new infections; therefore, the residual benefit provided by the vaccine is very small and treatment cannot be guaranteed.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.