Why is the question discussion board not keeping up with my questions and answers? Has it also been scrapped?

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The discussion board now only keeps track of what you post in the Community Forums, not the "real" question and answers. For those, you have to work your way through the left-hand navigation for your questions and your answers. There is no way to be notified when there is "other" activity on a question you answered (ie, someone else answers or the asker comments on an answer that's not yours) .

I reckon all my playing will be on the Forum. NormanL 19 months ago .

Too late, Norman - I asked that an hour ago :-)I guess their QA staff forgot to test that part of it.

Brain Teaser #3! Please don't answer in the discussion board until all answers are in. :-)" "Discussion board game (Questions Only!

)" "How do you get to the Discussion Board when nobody's answered a question yet? " "Once you have answerd a question in the discussion board is there any way to delete it? " "Brain Teaser #5!

Please don't answer in the discussion board until all answers are in. :-)" "Brain Teaser #4! Please do not answer in the discussion board until all answers are in.

:-)" "Why do I see so many questions that have no "answers" even if there are responses in the "discussion" section? " "Brain Teaser #1! Please don't answer in the discussion board until all answers are in.

:-)" "Brain Teaser #4! Please do not answer in the discussion board until all answers are in. :-)" "Ok, another question, does anyone else wish the discussion would open before the answers option?

Click click...

Brain Teaser #3! Please don't answer in the discussion board until all answers are in. :-).

Brain Teaser #5! Please don't answer in the discussion board until all answers are in. :-).

Brain Teaser #4! Please do not answer in the discussion board until all answers are in. :-).

Brain Teaser #1! Please don't answer in the discussion board until all answers are in. :-).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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