As a gamer myself who has spent *censored* hours, I once came up with an idea. It's very simple yet effective, and I would really recommend you to think a bit about it. The thing is.. try to think of life itself as a game.
I myself like to plan every single thing when I start playing a game (RPGs mostly): Which skills are going to be developed first and in which way. Where and when am I going to do such a thing, etc. The same applies to life. Either you jump out of the bubble and try to see it all in perspective, or you might end up stuck.
You'll need to cover your primary necessities such as eating. For this you need to either buy it or grow your own. Either way, you need money to do such things, and also to pay for your games (or the batteries or internet or whatever).
So plan ahead and try to find something you think you'll be good at, and go for it! ;) You're much stronger than you might ever think you are, so trust yourself and give you a chance in this world. Good luck!
Moderation is the key to most of life's problems. I enjoy video games as well and grew up with them. I played them alot.
Looking back if video games weren't an option I probably would have done more extra curricular activities but our generation has been bombarded with distractions mainly because the bankers and people up top don't want us thinking about the world around us. They keep us in the dark so we don't put up a fuss about wars they create. Or jobs they send overseas.
We don't have the jobs we used to and the opportunities our parents had because they didn't see the writing on the wall when they started devaluing our currency and doing back door deals with china. Now american kids don't have much they can do but consume. We graduate college to have no jobs.
We try to buy a house and they won't loan. We move in with parents because of inflation. We can't travel the country hitch hiking with jobs everywhere you look.
Not only is it not as friendly like it was say in the 60s and 70s but the whole country is on the verge of collapse. That's why many kids sit and jump into adventure on a game. It's an escape.
The financial system created the problem and forced 2 parents to work full time and it created broken families and kids are getting away from the stress. Not to mention who should they imitate? Back in the day you wanted to start a car mechanic shop you went and bought bricks and built it from scratch.
Ww2 generation built America and we are running out of their money its time we create new jobs and new money.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.