Why would God make so many empty planets and empty spaces?

I doubt it. Why would he be so wasteful. More people could live there.

If he didn't need all this space why did he make it? It doesn't make sense. Asked by Jekyll 44 months ago Similar questions: God make empty planets spaces Science > Space & Astronomy.

Similar questions: God make empty planets spaces.

The vastness of our universe is amazing, it makes this question an interesting one to answer, but I will give it a try. Our earth is about 8,000 miles in diameter. The International Space Station orbits 200 miles above the earth.

The moon is 240,000 miles from earth, it is the farthest we have traveled in our universe. The sun 400 times further from us than the moon, 93 million miles from the earth Neptune’s orbit around the sun is 30 times greater than that of earth Pluto orbits even further If the orbits of all our planets were placed in a cube, the cube would be 6 billion miles to a side 4,278 of these solar system cubes would fit between our solar system and the next nearest, that of Alpha Centuri All other stars are much further from us than Alpha Centuri Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky is bright because it is relatively near 50 trillion miles away, it is twice the diameter of the sun. Pollux is 10 times the diameter of the sun.

Alnilam 1000 light years away (a light year is 5.88 trillion miles, a measure of distance) Alnilam is 25 suns across Rigel stretches 70 suns across Betelgeuse 400 light years away is 600 times the diameter of the sun. If Betelgeuse were in the center of our solar system --- we would be inside it. Beyond this we see in our galaxy, globular clusters of stars, a globular cluster may contain the combined light of thousands of stars: One globular cluster M4 is 7000 light years away There are about 100 globular clusters of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy which spans a distance of 80,000 light years across Yet our Milky Way Galaxy is just one of billions of Galaxies in our universe The Virgo Cluster is more than 50 million light years from earth The Galaxy M87 contains over a trillion stars Obviously this cannot be detailed in a Askville answer, but this overview gives a glimpse at the vastness of our universe What does this mean ---- Well for one thing, it shows us the greatness and glory of our God - Psalm 19 The Heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows s handiwork The Heavens are the work of s fingers Additionally though and this is conjecture ---- I have always wondered what life would have been like for us if Adam had not sinned.

According to Genesis 2:17 death was the consequence of sin. So also is loss of memory, disease, war, abortion, etc ... Imagine no child ever died. Imagine people never grew old as meaning beyond maturity.

Imagine having much fitter minds, which much greater time to think. Imagine too a friendly universe, because without sin their would be no death and travel virtually anywhere would be safe. Maybe, just maybe the vastness of our universe would be the home to eternal undying generations of humans?

Fact is according to Genesis 3, without sin there would be no pain in child bearing! I believe we are pretty much limited to the earth, at least for now, because of sin. Without sin how can we imagine how populous and expanding undying generations of humans might go, also animals would not die either --- would we populate the universe?

Just a thought --- good question! Sources: Created Cosmos DVD Dr. Jason Lisle (for stats) .

Very simply I don't believe he did, but without his word, we can only make guesses Biblical history is the history of man, not of the universe. In the book Ezekeil there are some clues to what the our galaxy may have been. When God threw Satan to the earth because Satan desired to be god, he referred to Satan as the ruler of nations and worlds.

Satan had thrown the worlds in chaos after his fall. Read Chapter 1 of Genesis again. Its starts out "In the Beginning God created the heavens and earth" its a statement without reference to time the beginning could have been billions of years before the next the statement "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters."

We have to apply some logic here, when you look at the next six days does God create anything formless and empty, no everything he creates is completed, Satan is on earth (darkness was over the surface of the deep). So Genesis tells how God reconstructed the earth and it may even refer to the formation of our planetary system, he didn't create light he said let there be light Did he rearrange the planets, the sun, and moon so that there could be light and he could separate days and nights. Or did he move the sun to a position and the other planets moved in the gravitational pull of it on their own.

We need to keep in mind that our first Theologians go back to a time when they did know physics, thought the Sun revolved around the earth and the world was flat and made many errors in trying to explain the bible and creation. What is really sad is they can't move forward and reconcile science and the bible because they stick to old theology the earth is only six thousand years old, because that is what they believed and preached 2000 thousand years ago and they can't say they were wrong. It is a shame we don't have the word of God for the time before man, other than some short verses in the old testament.

George L. Weber III .

He probably took one look at the way we're conducting ourselves and decided to work up something better. If you think about how expert we are at picking fights with one another, making a mess of the planet, and failing to enjoy all the good things that surround us, he probably ankled off in a completely different direction and took up painting instead.

Good point. If there really was a god, and he set everything up, it would probably be like a giant petre (sp) dish with walls and a moving light to simulate the sun. But, since god was "created" by early man to explain things be couldn't understand and couldn't even know about, then we have the fairy tale we have..

Because God doesn't think the same way we do Whose to say that they are empty. They may very well be filled by something that God put there but that we do not have the ability to see or understand. God doesn't do things randomly..

I have learned that I cannot make someone believe in God, only God can, however, I might be effective in helping some.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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