Will the Republicans ever be able to elect another president?

When the GOP actually returns to being the Republican party instead of the current GOP/Tea/Fox/Jesus freak party they just may come roaring back. Nominate another Eisenhower and there chances are good. I still like Ike.

I liked Nixon before he went over to the dark side and what was not to like about Jerry Ford? Even Reagan before he got mixed up with the John Birch Society had a lot going for him. He talked 'right', but everyone knew he was a centrist on most issues.

As long as they keep nominating Gomer and Goober, and Richie Rich, the Crazy Lady and the Grouch they're going to have a hard time getting people to believe them no matter how much money they get the rich suckers, the corporate weasels and the Rev. Billy Bob's Pie In The Sky When You Die true believers. The Republicans have to start working for the 95% of us that work for hourly wages. The 5% that live off of 'investments' will always do okay, but it's the 'working class' that's rapidly losing ground.

Take care of working class and everyone prospers. $%^& over the working class and and we get current history. That's why I voted for Barack...at least he's on my side whether or not he can get the reactionary mother $%%er in congress to back him up.

Pardon my French!

Change their leadership. The people at the top keep promoting useless candidates. Mitt Romney, while okay, was said by his own family to not really have had his heart in the race.

Then you have that so called Republican governor who came out and endorsed Obama. The Republicans are not a united party and the people at the top are responsible for the rot. I mean McCain as a candidate, seriously?!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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