Every year, I make a point of going downtown to watch the parade. I always go with my father and grandfather, who worked in the military years ago. It means a lot to me, and even more for them.
Essentially, they get all the firefighters, police, and medics in the town to march in the parade, in addition to a massive collection of motorcycles and other miscellaneous groups (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, veterans, so on and so forth). I live in a small town, but it's a big event and everyone typically has a good time. In addition, all the children get off of school on Monday, so I'm sure that's even more of a reason to get out of the house on Monday and take a trip downtown.
While this is fun, most people acknowledge the effort, dedication, and sacrifices of our armed forces at the same time. Only those in the military know the full extent of the term "kill or be killed. " I hope I helped; have a great weekend and Memorial Day!
I will be watching the parade it passes nearby my house. I enjoy seeing the kids get involved. Our parade isn't much, mainly local vetran/service related groups marching in their respective uniforms but the kids make it fun, along with getting to see and recognize other folks, friends and neighbors showing respect for our armed forces both past and present.
I watch several events , probably whatever's going on.
Every year, I make a point of going downtown to watch the parade. I always go with my father and grandfather, who worked in the military years ago. It means a lot to me, and even more for them.
Essentially, they get all the firefighters, police, and medics in the town to march in the parade, in addition to a massive collection of motorcycles and other miscellaneous groups (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, veterans, so on and so forth). I live in a small town, but it's a big event and everyone typically has a good time. In addition, all the children get off of school on Monday, so I'm sure that's even more of a reason to get out of the house on Monday and take a trip downtown.
While this is fun, most people acknowledge the effort, dedication, and sacrifices of our armed forces at the same time. Only those in the military know the full extent of the term "kill or be killed." I hope I helped; have a great weekend and Memorial Day!
Every year, I make a point of going downtown to watch the parade. I always go with my father and grandfather, who worked in the military years ago. It means a lot to me, and even more for them.
Essentially, they get all the firefighters, police, and medics in the town to march in the parade, in addition to a massive collection of motorcycles and other miscellaneous groups (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, veterans, so on and so forth). I live in a small town, but it's a big event and everyone typically has a good time. In addition, all the children get off of school on Monday, so I'm sure that's even more of a reason to get out of the house on Monday and take a trip downtown.
While this is fun, most people acknowledge the effort, dedication, and sacrifices of our armed forces at the same time. I hope I helped; have a great weekend and Memorial Day!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.