A very good question. I personally see two main reasons why many don't take climate change seriously: 1. The facts.
While you state 'all the scientific evidence', more and more it has become clear that much of the 'evidence' has actually been tampered with, or at least has been interpreted in an incorrect way. Have you ever heard about 'climategate'? As more and more of this type of counter-evidence is found, more and more people are less prone to actually believe there is a 'climate change' problem.
Especially when we are currently experiencing quite the opposite to 'global warming': 2010 has so far proven to have one of the coldest december months ever. In THe Netherlands, where I live, we have just had one of the coldest December month in history. Northern USA is completely blocked with snow.So much for Global Warming.. When one takes a close look at the actual figures, it quickly becomes clear that 'Global Warming' may very likely be influenced more by (the abundance or absence of) solar flares, than by human actions.
While I know this is no definitive proof, it certainly casts enough doubts to wonder if the envirnmentalists are right. The 'solid case' they used to present simply isn't as solid as they have tried to make us believe.2.Money. Even if the Climate Change would actually be a serious, provable problem, I still don't think any serious action would be taken.
The reason is, that any action proposed to migitate the Climate Change problem is costing billions and billions of dollars, and no-one is willing to pay that money.3. Scale.As Climate Change is a global issue, it is also no-one's particular issue. Why would any company, country or person spend money or time on this issue, if you neighbor, competitor, or other countries aren't sharing the load?
Spending money on Climat Change is 'wasted' money, as it generally doesn't help the economy (in fact, it hurts the economy, apart form the eco-friendly companies, which of course would flourish). These are some of the arguments why people, companies and countries don't step up, and try to deal with this 'problem'. As long as it's unsure whether there really is a problem, a more cost-effective solution is found, and all affected parties join in, this issue will not be tackled any day soon.
I think part of the reason is that science has also proved that the earth goes in cooling and warming cycles as well. There is such a thing as natural occurances of CO2 and methane and a lot of greenhouse gasses. That is enough 'proof' that humans are not causing global warming to some Politicians, that they don't want to work towards less pollution or going green.
Anything of this proportion takes work. Unfortunately some Politicians think it is too much work. I have always said, until something dramatic happens we won't see dramatic change.
Recently (within the last 5 years) in Wisconsin a police officer was hit and catapulted into a concrete barrier, by someone driving too fast. Luckily he survived. Right after this accident there were signs up all over the place, "Slow down and move over." that were not there before.
I would say a good majority of us knew to do this before, but it was that smaller 10% that didn't care, or realize the consequences. Unfortunately for us, in terms of going green and reducing green house gasses, 'something dramatic' may very well wipe out life on earth.
Well there's a reason! Some people think that these climatic changes, mostly the atmosphere getting hot (i.e. Global warming), is a natural cycle.
These 'skeptics' think that this cycle of terminal hotness of earth's environment is necessary for the age-ing of earth. But I don't agree with 'em. Global Warming.
The most burning topic for debates in India but no-one is really getting into it. They don't remember that it is us who deployed this sh*t in this atmosphere and we now have to clean it or at least don't spread more. Cause of Global Warming- WE, the Humans!
We made aerosols in perfumes and deodrants, we used CFC's (chloro-flouro-carbons) in refrigerators and AC's, we did deforestation and we imbalanced the ecological system. How do we stop it- We can't! B'coz we're humans we are generating a time-bomb with which we can destroy ourselves and also the only known planet with complex life form sustainibility.
We humans have a trait that we know what will be the consequences of our sh*t business but we don't stop. We hope that somebody else would think to stop it. And that somebody else have the similar hopes and no-one, no-one tends to wake up.
Okayee, let us believe that Global warming is a natural process but is there any 'skeptic' able to xplain the reason why there is an Ozone-hole looming over my head. Is it also a natural process?! Huh!
Make another xcuse.
Listen to this if you are serious about this serious subject. youtube.com/watch?v=3djFp1nnoSY.
There are several reasons why climate change is not taken seriously. I assume that by climate change you mean global warming, so let’s stick with that. I’m on the fence on this issue, so I’ll play Devil’s Advocate.
We still don’t fully understand long-term weather patterns, which can change over periods of hundreds, sometimes thousands of years. Given that we have relatively short lives, it is human nature to be more concerned with immediate problems. Global warming is just that – a global problem, and when has mankind ever managed to agree, even on much simpler issues.
Scientists themselves differ about the validity and scope of climate change. Even rich countries balk at the costs involved in dealing with the issue, and legislatures in many rich countries are beholden to their electorates. I have spoken with many Americans who are passionate about the perceived problem, and who yet howl with rage when the cost of gas drives up the cost of running their polluting SUVs.
Conversely, poorer, but rapidly advancing countries such as India and China see no reason to hobble their economies, especially when rich countries don’t seem inclined to do so. And back to the scientific evidence. It has been suggested that global warming, even if it is a reality, would not be all bad.
Vast, cold regions, such as Canada and Siberia might actually benefit. To sum up. €¢ The scientific evidence of global warming no longer seems as convincing as it once did.
€¢ Human nature works against a world-wide, long-term solution. €¢ The economic costs of tackling the problem are not small.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.