Women Only Part 2: Hair Coloring, Have you dyed your hair? Why or Why not?

I am doing research for a class assignment and thought it would be fun to mix my research in real life with research from askville to see what kind of responses I get. Asked by diggstoryies 47 months ago Similar questions: Women Part Hair Coloring dyed hair Lifestyle > Beauty.

Similar questions: Women Part Hair Coloring dyed hair.

Not me, no way I have copper colored hair which matches my freckles. Why would I want to unmatch myself? .

Yep. I’ve done it at home with those do-it-yourself kits. Not very successful.

The couple of times I tried it at home I ended up with more of the dye on the floor and my hands than in my hair. I go to the salon to have it done now. I started dying it when I was about 22, just because I could really.

I had/have dark hair, so I’d have bright red streaks put through it. Now, I’m about to turn 40, and I’m starting to go grey, so I have it dyed back to it’s original dark colour, and then I have streaks put through it. The streak colour really depends on my mood when I get into the salon.

I have never tried blonde. I have a very fair complexion, so I think I’d just end up looking like a vampire. My hairdresser is usually able to talk me out of any bad hair colour decisions.

Sources: my addled brain Late2Serenity's Recommendations The Hair Color Mix Book: More Than 150 Recipes for Salon-Perfect Color at Home Amazon List Price: $24.95 Used from: $15.00 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 9 reviews) Oh I wish I had this book when I was trying to do it myself....

I sure do Our daughter went to beauty school when she got out of high school, & that's what got me started. It was getting some grays in it then. This was back in the mid-late 80's.

We decided it'd be a good idea to frost it. That was popular back then. So I went over to her school.

She wasn't sure what color to put on it, as I wanted it lighter than it naturally was. So she asked her instructor, Vonda, what to use. (Funny, I still remember her name.) So my daugther mixed it all up as she was told.

I went through the hell of sitting there with her pulling my hair through this cap with the holes. When it was done & processed, my hair came out in just the prettiest shade of GREEN! I about had a stroke!

Other customers were coming in the door looking at me. They quickly had to figure out just how to get me back into a more human hair color. The frosting deal didn't last beyond that one time.

It made me look 70 years old. Eventually I found a color that works for me. I buy shop color & add RGC to it to tone down the red.

My dad was red headed & I certainly don't want that brassy look. I've been a golden blond for years & years. I do it myself & it always turns out perfect.

I'll keep coloring it forever. God only knows what color it really is now. I have no intentions of finding out!

Sources: my hair .

I have... ...dyed my hair for the last 16 years. The first 10 or so years was off-the-shelf bottle jobs, but after a horrible experience (i.e.. green-gray locks), I decided to give myself over to the professionals. 8) Why?

Because I went gray at an early age and my family and peers kept telling me how "unattractive" it was for a young lady to have gray hair. Silly me, I believed them. However, as I get older, I may just go natural, for I think I'm getting cheaper and lazier and just don't want to deal with sitting in an uncomfortable chair for 2 hours with a wet head full of aluminum foil.8) .

Yes my hair is dyed, my husband does it......... I started dying my hair shortly after my last baby was born, around 6 years ago. I was afraid to do it for the first time, so my husband said he would do it. Six years later.......he is still doing it for me!

Sources: Me & hubby! Mugsie! ™'s Recommendations Women Who Dye Their Hair Amazon List Price: $13.70 Used from: $48.35 .

" "when I dyed my hair blonde I got streeks of black in my hair. Why did that happen I had no black in my hair? " "Hair coloring & highlights by a student, in a class, supervised by a master: how good or how bad?

" "if you just dyed your hair, how long should you wait to get another hair dye in?" "How to transition from red dyed hair to own shade (or one shade lighter) with highlights, without re-dyeing the hair?

I dyed my hair blonde and it's still brown.

When I dyed my hair blonde I got streeks of black in my hair. Why did that happen I had no black in my hair?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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