Would you rather go to Australia or Japan?

I would say you should go to Australia. Especially if you don't know how to speak Japanese, it would be difficult to try and communicate with people. But if you do know a bit of Japanese, enough to understand the basics, then go to Japan because I doubt you will regret it.

However, if you want to go to Australia, the best things to do are to go to the theme parks and zoos. They should be lots of fun. Just don't go during their school holidays because waiting in the long lines at the theme park rides takes up a lot of time, considering your time frame, shouldn't be that bad.

Australia is a really nice place, but why not go to New Zealand for the adventure? It's amazing. Great place to go if you want to be close to nature, but isn't the best if you don't plan what to do.

Australia, imo isn't really that great. I went there in the middle of summer and (due to me not being used to the heat cos I'm from a colder place), I hated it. Right now it's the start of spring in Australia, and is nearly Autumn in Japan, so the weather is okay.

Not too cold, nor hot. I believe the best time to go to Japan is in April cos of the cherry blossoms :) It is a good time to go to Australia cos the weather should be pretty moderate. But I would personally choose to go to Japan cos I am in love with their culture, despite never been there.

The culture is so advanced and awesome, I'd love to go there one day. Go there if you want to visit shrines, the Skytree, Disney Land, Museums, and everything amazing about their culture such as trying out an onsen, their food, and many other things. If you go to Japan, remember your manners!

It really depends on what you like more. What are the reasons you want to go to each country? What will you do?

What will benefit you more in terms of going there? What will be more fun? BTW Australia's school holidays are around the 19th of September and 11th October, but is only about 2 weeks long for most schools.

Sorry if I was a bit biased. I like Japan so much more than Australia. Well, have a safe and wonderful trip wherever you go!


I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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