I absolutely would give up my last strips with a diabetic that could not afford their strips. As for a meter, I would do the same with that as well. I have several friends who are diabetic as well as an aunt who has been diabetic since the age of 15.
If I was in the situation to help them, I would do anything I could to do so. I am not diabetic so I would buy whatever test strips or meter that a person needs if her or she could not afford it. As for filling out a form, if I knew how to fill one out and someone didn't or couldn't, then certainly I would do that as well.
Helping other people in times of need is one of the reasons we are here.
I actually did give away my meter and about 200 strips after my second pregnancy. I had gestational diabetes that hopefully went away after the pregnancy. I have had a few symptoms that are in line with diabetes lately so now I'm wondering if I should have kept that meter lol Having had diabetes for a short time I empathize pretty heavily with those that do have it or think they may.
The symptoms are very unpleasant. So yes even if I was an actual diabetic I would let someone have some strips or borrow my tester to confirm they are diabetic or in an situation where they needed to test and didn't have their meter. I'd also give away extra meters if I had them.
So yes even if I was an actual diabetic I would let someone have some strips or borrow my tester to confirm they are diabetic or in an situation where they needed to test and didn't have their meter. I'd also give away extra meters if I had them. I actually did give away my meter and about 200 strips after my second pregnancy.
I had gestational diabetes that hopefully went away after the pregnancy. Having had diabetes for a short time I empathize pretty heavily with those that do have it or think they may.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.