10 points for easy question. What do you think I am liberal, conservative, libertarian, ect?

The answer is simple. Progressives are "progressing" in steps to total government control.

The fact that you put liberals and libertarians together shows how little you know. First of all, libertarian is a very broad term. The least you could of done was narrow it down.

Second of all how can you seriously say liberals are anarchist? Liberals want the government to give you health care, food, housing, and even spends millions of dollars to give people in rural areas high speed internet. They ban tans fats in food, theyre trying to ban swearing in california, they protest ads that are against their ideology (such as the tebow super bowl ad or more recently the focus on the family ad the ncaa banned that wasnt even controversial), they want government taking most of your money in taxes, and redistributing the wealthy's money to the poor.

They want you to be able to marry who you want, and abort babies whenever you want (what about the babies rights?) but want you to have to pay for everyone elses laziness. Its liberal policies that are destroying this country. And you say the GOP doesn't care about minorities, but its liberal policies that are keeping blacks down.

Entitlement programs have destroyed the black family, and now only 20% of black children live with both parents. Liberals tell them the government should provide for them, and they never learn how to provide for themselves. You really need to do some homework before osting buddy, your ignorance is ridiculous.

And if you like socialism so much, read this. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1...

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