2 part question. Was any hanging real in the movies? and in hang em high what is the life expectancy of a hanging?

2 part question. Was any hanging real in the movies? And in hang em high what is the life expectancy of a hanging?

As I watch Hang em two questions popped up in the opening scene. Clint's hanging looked real, so for special effects back then, I think maybe some realism had to happen. Part 2 usually you tend to soil yourself but tend to die.

For Clint to sustain himself and escape death albeit via an earlier version of a Heimlich maneuver, how long can one survive or escape and live a hanging experience? I do realize that I am watching a movie, however, this is one of those "is it plausible? " questions.

Asked by coldstrategy 36 months ago Similar questions: part question hanging real movies hang em high life expectancy Entertainment > Movies.

Similar questions: part question hanging real movies hang em high life expectancy.

I can't remember the movie, but no one was every really hung in a movie - that would result in death. The death from hanging from the gallows is not strangulation, as you might expect, but the suddent drop of your body separating the head from the neck, therby severing the spinal cord. If it is done correctly.

There are reports of people who did strangle, before hanging became a "science" as well as instances of the head separating from the body. So, since these are the mechanics of hanging, unless the rope separates of stretches, no one is walking away from a hanging. Now, being a western, if the hanging was from a tree branch off of a horse, the detah would be from strangulation.

The body would lose consciousness about 30 - 60 seconds after the weight was applied to the noose, and death would occur 4 - 6 minutes after that. For movies, they attach the "hanging" rope to a harness under the clothing, and the noose is just a prop. If there were close ups, then those were probably manipulated to make it appear he was strangling.

People do not always release their bladders and sphincters when they die; a small portion of them do, but not everyone. Schelli's Recommendations Hang Em ) Poster Hang 'em gh Amazon List Price: $31.99 Hang Em gh Amazon List Price: $9.94 Used from: $1.96 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 51 reviews) Hang 'Em gh Amazon List Price: $14.95 Used from: $0.79 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 51 reviews) .

Any death will make you soil yourself! If the hanging is done incorrectly,as it was done to the Clint Eastwood character in Hang Em it is possible of survival according to different movies I have seen with simmilar plots. According to Hollywood in different scenarious when you hang someone you are attempting to snap the neck and soffocate the victim at the same time.

That's why they had those heavy bags on the prisoner's that were hung by the hanging judge in the movie you are reffering to. When one dies no matter what the cause all your muscles relax as you die thereby soiling occurs. There is a movie with George C.

Scott (Patten),in which he is gassed and as he dies he urinates in his pants in plain view of the cameras. Unfortunatelly I don"t remember the film,(it may be a good askville question). In Hang em,I imagine they chose not to be so graphic..

The hanging (of Mr. O'Connel) at the beginning of "The Mummy" was not common but not unknown, either. Every once in a while, the angle was wrong, or the rope too short, or something else, and the body drop didn't yank the vertebrae loose to kill the person. And, yes, then folks stood around watching the guy suffocate.Is survival possible?

If those watching left too soon, it theoretically would be.

1 If nothing else, the studio's insurance carrier would probably shut the set down if there were any significant chance of a real hanging. In movie hangings, the character wears a harness under the costume. The visible noose is a prop.

The real weight is taken by the harness. The cable to the harness, if visible, is edited out in the lab. Real hangings can take a long time, several minutes at least, as the subject strangles.

There are cases of hangings where death wasn't determined for more than 10 minutes. "Professional" hangings usually involve a drop of several feet that snaps the neck and causes instant death. They can be botched as well if the rope length is misjudged, either causing the subject to hit the floor below before the rope snaps or popping the head off (as happened to Saddam Hussein's brother when he was executed).

If nothing else, the studio's insurance carrier would probably shut the set down if there were any significant chance of a real hanging. In movie hangings, the character wears a harness under the costume. The visible noose is a prop.

The real weight is taken by the harness. The cable to the harness, if visible, is edited out in the lab. Real hangings can take a long time, several minutes at least, as the subject strangles.

There are cases of hangings where death wasn't determined for more than 10 minutes. "Professional" hangings usually involve a drop of several feet that snaps the neck and causes instant death. They can be botched as well if the rope length is misjudged, either causing the subject to hit the floor below before the rope snaps or popping the head off (as happened to Saddam Hussein's brother when he was executed).

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