3 divs: one centered and the two others one in each side?

Surround it with a div with 770px + the left and right buttons width (change their widths from percent to a fixed width) This will guarantee all are together Also use a overflow: hidden or a div with clear:both at the end, this will make sure everything is in place.

Surround it with a div with 770px + the left and right buttons width (change their widths from percent to a fixed width). This will guarantee all are together. Also use a overflow: hidden or a div with clear:both at the end, this will make sure everything is in place.

Eeehm.. i'm not sure if I see it, I added a with a width of 850px and now the right falls apart.. – Toni Michel Caubet Oct 11 at 10:41 @ToniMichelCaubet make sure the surrounding div is wide enough, if it is 850px that means the left and right divs are 80px, make sure they are, and try adding some more pixels to the surrounding (maybe make it 860px). – jackJoe Oct 11 at 10:44 thanks! With 880px I have the layout, but the problem is that it's not centered.

And as it has a fixed width I can't center it with %'s – Toni Michel Caubet Oct 11 at 10:51 1 solved! With position:relative; margin: 0 auto; thanks! – Toni Michel Caubet Oct 11 at 11:02.

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