47% of americans paid no federal income tax. 47% support higher taxes on rich. Coincidence?

That's the ultimate goal. Look at taxes under Clinton. You pay in a huge amount of taxes during the year, get enough of a refund for a tank of gas, Washington keeps the rest.

Taxes won't cut it. Taxes are fundraisers or ways to create a little extra revenue. They are NOT suitable for paying back $14 trillion.

It would take stripping 100 Bill Gates of everything they own to make a dent in it.

The Bush tax cuts gave tax breaks for all income levels. It resulted in many people who not only pay no taxes but they get a check back from the government. So when people say that Republicans catered only to the wealthy, that is completely incorrect.

At this point, I believe the wealthy should be paying more taxes. I'm conservative but the reason the economy isn't growing has little to do with taxes on the wealthy. Corporations are using their profits to buy equipment that reduces their labor force rather than expanding it.

That leads to more efficiency but leaves more people out of work. It allows these businesses to make bigger profits which is a good thing but I see no reason why they can't pay more taxes as well. Soon people in this country won't be buying their products because fewer and fewer will have a decent job.

The best thing to do for the economy now is to repeal the health care bill. Its a jobs killer and always will be. Also the financial reform isn't helping a thing.

They went from one extreme to the other.

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