70's/80's Sci-Fi book. Takes place in space. Protagonist is a race of human that evolved on a planet with higher gravity?

70's/80's Sci-Fi book. Takes place in space. Protagonist is a race of human that evolved on a planet with higher gravity I remember background story to how the character's race came to be.

Humans colonized space, and different races evolved to suit different planetary climes. S planet had a higher gravitational pull, so his people were stout and stocky. He possessed a suit that allowed the simulation of higher gravitational effects so he could be comfortable on lower gravity planets.

Also, he traveled about in space, looking for an answer to some question. I remember something about a computer. Asked by CyborgX 14 days ago Similar questions: 70's 80's Sci Fi book Takes place space Protagonist race human evolved planet higher gravity Arts > Books > Books - Science Fiction.

Similar questions: 70's 80's Sci Fi book Takes place space Protagonist race human evolved planet higher gravity.

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Im looking for a series of Sci-Fi/Fantasy books...there are at least 3 books . A planet where some Giant worms have taken.

Can't find sci fi book: alien planet, desert communities school of assasins.

I'm looking for a science fiction book, it takes place in CA. After a catastrophic war. A rebuilt, earth friendly place.

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I'm trying to find the title for a science fiction book.

Looking for Sci Fi book: people left on a planet that was inhabitable and left to die but they survive.

Looking for fiction-sci-fi book with a place named Capri.

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