I love to have big breakfast when I am on holiday. On work days, I just eat breakfast to sustain me until lunch. They must be quick and easily digestible.
My favorite big breakfast is yum cha or Dim sum. It is a breakfast tradition in Hongkong. The breakfast consist of ordering many varieties of stuffed steamed bread, dumplings and other snack food served in bamboo steamer.
To wash it down, we drink hot black Chinese tea. Of course, eating dim sum takes at least an hour or more. People eat while chatting with their family and friends.
In short, a perfect way to enjoy breakfast. Yummy... I think I'm gonna get dim sum breakfast this Saturday.
Love, love, love it! It doesn't have to be big, but I truly enjoy a hot breakfast during the cooler months of the year. I don't necessarily want it first thing in the morning, though.
For example, I love a good omelette or some biscuits with sausage gravy if I can put breakfast off until after 10 o'clock in the morning or have it for lunch. If I need to eat very early for some reason, I am happier to simply have some toast with peanut butter on it or a nice, lightly toasted bagel with a little cream cheese and a little jam. Sometimes I'll get into the habit of eating oatmeal for several days in a row, which of course has to be extremely hot or I don't like it.
During the summertime, I can easily change my breakfast choices and enjoy fruit or cereal instead, or sometimes just eat a small muffin with some coffee. When I have a lot of yard work to accomplish or I'm going to play outside with the dogs, I don't like to feel very full or spend much time cooking breakfast. I think one of the best-- and most fun-- things to do is have breakfast food for dinner.
Once in a while, we'll treat ourselves to French toast with cinnamon and real maple syrup, and perhaps a couple of maple sausages on the side. We often like cooked apples with our French toast as well. I am much more alert and able to cook well in the afternoons and evenings, ha!
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I have to have a decent breakfast. I can't even eat grains, so I usually either have a piece of crustless quiche, or Huevos Rancheros, or coffee-nog, all of which I make myself. But these aren't like a huge, overdone breakfast you'd get at a restaurant.
Not one with 3 eggs AND a bunch of bacon AND a bunch of sausage AND pancakes AND toast. That would be enough breakfast for 2-3 people at my house! No, I have maybe a 4" square piece of quiche, usually maple sausage, mushroom and onion.
That's not a lot. Or 2 eggs with some salsa and/or guac on them. Or coffee nog, which is a mug of iced coffee (currently cinnamon flavored; I just polished of my bag of Irish Creme beans), stevia to sweeten, almond milk and heavy cream to make it creamy, a bunch of ice, and 2-3 eggs or whey protein powder.
On any of these breakfasts I'm not hungry for at least 3-4 hours and often 5. I don't even feel like snacking. When I used to eat grains, I'd start feeling hungry again after about 90 minutes to 2 hours.
When I visit my parents and they have cereal for breakfast, I do my coffee-nog in their blender. By the time everyone is dressed, showered, and the kitchen cleaned up, they're ready to eat again and I'm not remotely hungry.
Actually, I'm all about the smaller continental breakfasts. Big, warm breakfasts always seem too heavy too me, and besides, they're horrible for my diet if I want to eat anything for the rest of the day besides lettuce and crumbs! I usually eat the same thing every morning, and it's amazing: some yogurt, usually vanilla or maple, with a piece of bread and some fresh fruit, usually a pear.
I look forward to waking up so I can eat this -- it's that good. Simple, but great. The kind of thing I'm amazed more people don't like.
A lot of times I want my favorite breakfast of hashbrowns cooked with onions and bell pepper and at the end atdd an egg until scrambled to the mix. It is also good as a breakfast taco in a warm flour tortilla. Other times I have not such a big appetite and eat a breakfast bar or yogurt.
When the grandkid are here we have waffles, bacon, sausage and juice!
I don't eat breakfast except on Sundays when my husband cooks. I usually have coffee and some juice. I have cereal sometimes if I'm hungrier than usual.
I do like bagels with cream cheese but all those carbs just go right to my hips. LOL.
I hate eggs, but I love hash browns. Biscuits and gravy is my favorite hot breakfast, truth to tell. I am too lazy to cook any of this in the morning though.
If we go out I have biscuits and gravy and hash browns. We don't go out much, thankfully. Mostly just on vacation.
I usually just have a yogurt for breakfast. If there is leftover pizza I will have that. I agree that cereal is not filling enough for breakfast.
I holds me for maybe two hours and then I want a snack. Yogurt or pizza will hold me four or five hours though. Perfect.
If someone can cook it for me, breakfast is my favorite meal. I've even fixed breakfast for dinner before! Usually I don't eat a lot for breakfast because I'm in a hurry to get going for the day, checking email, writing etc. so I eat a Special K bar or something quick.
But if I had my druthers, I would much rather go out to eat at Perkins and have one of their great pancake meals with a ham and cheese omelet, bacon, and toast. Yummy! :-).
I thought I hated breakfast until I went on the Atkins diet, and was forced to eat something like bacon and eggs every morning. I really enjoyed my breakfast. Most of the time, I eat cereal or oatmeal, because I'm too lazy to cook.
I'll eat breakfast if I don't have to cook it.
Hate it. I don't like eating breakfast; usually I just have something small like yogurt or a cookie.
I'm actually rarely hungry when I wake up... I didn't really fix breakfast till I had kids. He being only about a year and half old is still happy with some fruit bits and toast. Sometimes I make him eggs or pancakes etc. but hes just as happy with the cold breakfast.
I do however love warm breakfasts.. I just used to eat them more breakfasts for dinner type situations. Blintz stuffed with berries is one of my favorites.
I need a warm breakfast. I'm not a cereal-breakfast type..only occassionally if I crave it.
I only eat hot breakfasts. Depending on my work day I either have breakfast or lunch but always dinner. Breakfast or lunch I always eat out and only eat hot.
Breakfast is either two eggs with a sausage pattie and cheese on a toasted bagel or two eggs, sausage or bacon, toast and homefries on a plate.
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