We don't have any outdoor fruit trees yet as we don't own the property we live on, don';t want to invest the great deal of effort it takes to get good fruit trees to live in Alaska on property we won't keep. We do plan on planting Alaska hardened apples and I'd like to try to harden black cherries (they are zone 5-6 my area is 4 so it's possible if planted near a heated structure so the roots can creep under for warmth in the winter) Our indoor dwarfed trees yes,. We use all the fruit.. we have grapes vines of several varieties, lemon, nectarine, orange, and pomegranate as well as avacado but even 6-7 feet tall it still has produced no fruit.
We are planted kiwi this summer. I imagine with a large outdoor tree using all the fruit would be more difficult but keep in mind the left over fruit is good for the environment. Bees get pollen, animals/birds get fruit, the soil gets nutrients from the remaining decomp, the air has one more tree to clean it.
Fruit trees are good for more than just fruit.
I don't have a fruit tree but I do have a small garden that makes more than my family can eat. I donate the excess to a homeless shelter around the corner. If I have a really good crop then some goes to the senior citizens center that cooks meals for seniors.
Places like that don't get fresh fruits and vegetables very often so they love to see me coming. :).
I don't have fruit trees, but I do have a massive grapevine. Each year my family and I make around 50 jars of jam and jelly. We keep enough for us to use all year long and the rest is given to friends, family and neighbors.
I have not bought a jar of jam in three years.
Where I lived before we had lots of fruit trees....very little ever went to waste. We ate heaps, I made jam and preserved fruit as well. I gave boxes away to the child care places where my kids were....I knew it would get used and for kids it was the best thing, fresh home grown fruit :) And all my family used to get boxes of them as well...... But now I live with possums and its hard enough keeping them out of the vegie patch let alone keeping them out of fruit trees...darn pests!
I have several citrus trees, but for some reason, they never bear a lot of fruit, except for one orange. Last year, it was loaded, and I tried to eat all the fruit, but ended up giving a lot away. I never let the fruit go to waste.
If I can't find anyone who wants it, I juice it and freeze the juice. I also have a huge Surinam Cherry bush, and most of the fruit from that usually just falls on the ground. It's an acquired taste, so nobody I know likes them, and they can't be frozen or made into jellies or jams.
I eat a lot of them, but there are always too many. They do make good hedge plants, and I've given quite a few seedlings away for that purpose.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.