Similar questions: coworker recommends family Diner hate food lie.
Nope, I'd tell the truth. -But I'd give it a second chance, could have been an off night for some reason...
Will pass on trying again. Thanks for the advice. Leesa914 6 months ago .
I would say it wasn't to my taste. - but suggest it might have been an off-night.
LOL I can already hear her asking me why it wasnt to my taste. It actually was just pure nasty. Leesa914 6 months ago .
I would just say "it was okay". Surely there was SOMETHING that was edible; or maybe your coffee or other drink was. If she questions your response, I'd say that maybe it was an off night at the place or something and kind of brush it off.
But I would be careful not to imply that it was totally disgusting, even if it was.
Guess I will have to tell a little white lie LOL> Leesa914 6 months ago .
That's sometimes the best thing to do. You know how you co-worker is, and how she will react, and whether it will effect your relationship with her. Ya know, it's not really a huge deal, but maybe it is to her if she recommended it specifically to you.
Great point. I will just never go back, she doesn't need to know. Leesa914 6 months ago .
By the way thanks. :) Leesa914 6 months ago .
You're very welcome, Leesa! Have I told you about MY favorite restaurant?! I'm sure you'll LOVE it!
;-) .
I wouldn't like about it, but you don't have to say you hated it either. Just say you gave it a try and were not impressed enough to return.
Taste differ and so do meals. Try it again if you want. Or not.
True, but this person will ask so many questions about it. Leesa914 6 months ago .
They did not cook it or provide it. Just say what happened. It will be OK.
Just suggest your favorite guide them to find food you like or invite them and show them food you enjoy that way.
I would just say, "it was okay but it's not my favorite type of food. " .
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.