I am very happy to be part of Mahalo, and I am very pleased with the brown belt test, I will be celebrating my first year in Mahalo this coming October, and I am very glad to know all the nice people I met here, especially the staff and the wonderful people of the Mahalo Answers Community. With your help and constructive criticism, I was able to develop my skills. Being part of Mahalo is a work in progress and I am looking forward to be part of this human powered research engine.
Nothing compares on what this site has to offer, and Mahalo is always part of my daily life. Thank you all!
Edwardclint is an asset to Mahalo! I love reading his questions and love reading his answers! @edwardclint You will not have any problem getting your brown belt and you ABSOLUTELY deserve it!
Keep Rockin!
Good luck and congratulations @edwardclint There is not one other Mahalo belt test so long overdue as this one. Very few other Mahaloinas have worked as hard for as long as you have and you have done so much with very little reward or recognition of your progress. Finally your day has come and hopefully you will get the belt you deserve so much for all of your hard work here in Mahalo Answers.
Informative, outgoing, welcoming to newcomers. I'm sold.
Three C H E E R S for U ... @edwardclint I am sure U will achieve it! Good luck!
He's a walking, talking, wikipedia of awesome!
Yay @edwardclint! I am extremely happy to see you getting your well deserved brown belt! Way To Go!
WRONG! It goes to Edward! :) Great job Edward!
Congrats on your belt! I'm so happy to see you wining the belt you deserve for almost...hmm...one year? Good job indeed!
Congratulations on your new belt. You are a great asset to mahalo and it's great having you on the guru team. You sure deserve it.
Congrats Edwardclint! I haven't been around on mahalo for long, but have noticed you many times! Hope you get it.
Edwardclint Is a GREAT Mahalonian. He is a true asset to the site. Lots of great questions and alot of AWESOME answers.
He deserves to wear the brown belt. WOOT WOOT!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.