I don't think it will be much of a test, those of us who have been here for awhile know Rob does nothing but provide quality answers. He's also the Captain of our Kiva Team, we've raised over $500 already for third world startups kiva.org/team/mahalo_answers flickr.com/photos/33749589@N07/3404379695.
Congratulations Rob! I know the Brown will soon be yours! Just put your hips into it.
Rob is one of the few members that I think should skip over brown belt and go directly to black. He deserves it more than I do. There is a large part of me that would really like to hate him for consistently giving really good answers... I mean, really good answers.
Unfortunately, he's also very nice and contributes quite a bit to Mahalo. In fact, if I were to choose a king of Mahalo, it would be Rob. Wait, don't king's outrank queens?
I guess I'll just make him a prince. Warning: If he doesn't get brown belt, I'll be mad. Mad enough to break a Wii.
Good Luck! - Hopefully I will get there some day... :)
Good luck Rob! You've provided some excellent answers in the past, I don't doubt you'll do well.
Good luck, Rob - I saw you were close the other day! I can vouch for his unflinching good nature, helpfulness, and kindness. I vote for Rob being a brown belt!
Considering that robbrown has earned M$783.75 on Mahalo Answers (more than anyone else), has 99% helpful answers, and gets the best answer 42% of the time, I'd say he's going to pass this test with flying colors. Good luck robbrown.
I have no doubts that Rob will pass his test with flying colors! He is a great asset to Mahalo Answers!
I heartily approve. He's been answering a lot of the questions I was going to answer but better :-).
Thanks a lot everyone. I really appreciate the kind words and encouragement. Specifically to the Mahalo Senior Staff, Mike, Lon, Mark and Danielle: When answering questions, it's very easy to feel like you're alone.
The Mahalo Answer system is built around reward and feedback, but it's hard not to sometimes feel isolated when composing answers to almost anonymous questions. Thank-you very much for taking note of the questions that I've answered and the work that I've put into them. I sincerely appreciate it.
Good luck, Rob! Kinda funny the timing. Maybe it should be policy for the best answers website around NOT to promote people on day with the word "fools" in it... or maybe you should get a little something extra for that!
Whoo! Conbobulations, robbrown! Wishing you the best.
Let's hope this isn't some sick April Fool's Joke...
Robbrown... I'm sure this test will be a slam dunk for you. If not, I'll be joining Darcy on the protest march! :) Congratulations on your well deserved brown belt!
Rob Brown is definitely a brown belt, not even sure if he should go through such a rigorous test! Congratulations, Rob!
Rob, I have enjoyed your thoughtful answers and dialog. Good luck!
Good luck and Congrats. You deserve it. It's high quality answers like yours that we all should strive for.
I don't think it will be much of a test, those of us who have been here for awhile know Rob does nothing but provide quality answers. I don't think it will be much of a test, those of us who have been here for awhile know Rob does nothing but provide quality answers. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. I know the Brown will soon be yours! Just put your hips into it.
I know the Brown will soon be yours! Just put your hips into it. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Rob is one of the few members that I think should skip over brown belt and go directly to black. He deserves it more than I do.
There is a large part of me that would really like to hate him for consistently giving really good answers... I mean, really good answers. Unfortunately, he's also very nice and contributes quite a bit to Mahalo. In fact, if I were to choose a king of Mahalo, it would be Rob.
Wait, don't king's outrank queens? I guess I'll just make him a prince. Warning: If he doesn't get brown belt, I'll be mad.
Mad enough to break a Wii. Rob is one of the few members that I think should skip over brown belt and go directly to black. He deserves it more than I do.
There is a large part of me that would really like to hate him for consistently giving really good answers... I mean, really good answers. Unfortunately, he's also very nice and contributes quite a bit to Mahalo. In fact, if I were to choose a king of Mahalo, it would be Rob.
Wait, don't king's outrank queens? I guess I'll just make him a prince. Warning: If he doesn't get brown belt, I'll be mad.
Mad enough to break a Wii. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Good luck Rob!
You've provided some excellent answers in the past, I don't doubt you'll do well. Good luck Rob! You've provided some excellent answers in the past, I don't doubt you'll do well.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Maika'I pomaika'i Rob.
Maika'I pomaika'i Rob. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
Good luck, Rob - I saw you were close the other day! I can vouch for his unflinching good nature, helpfulness, and kindness. I vote for Rob being a brown belt!
Good luck, Rob - I saw you were close the other day! I can vouch for his unflinching good nature, helpfulness, and kindness. I vote for Rob being a brown belt!
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Considering that robbrown has earned M$783.75 on Mahalo Answers (more than anyone else), has 99% helpful answers, and gets the best answer 42% of the time, I'd say he's going to pass this test with flying colors.
Good luck robbrown. Considering that robbrown has earned M$783.75 on Mahalo Answers (more than anyone else), has 99% helpful answers, and gets the best answer 42% of the time, I'd say he's going to pass this test with flying colors. Good luck robbrown.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. I have no doubts that Rob will pass his test with flying colors!
He is a great asset to Mahalo Answers! I have no doubts that Rob will pass his test with flying colors! He is a great asset to Mahalo Answers!
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. I heartily approve.
I heartily approve. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
Thanks a lot everyone. I really appreciate the kind words and encouragement. Specifically to the Mahalo Senior Staff, Mike, Lon, Mark and Danielle: When answering questions, it's very easy to feel like you're alone.
The Mahalo Answer system is built around reward and feedback, but it's hard not to sometimes feel isolated when composing answers to almost anonymous questions. Thank-you very much for taking note of the questions that I've answered and the work that I've put into them. I sincerely appreciate it.
Thanks a lot everyone. I really appreciate the kind words and encouragement. Specifically to the Mahalo Senior Staff, Mike, Lon, Mark and Danielle: When answering questions, it's very easy to feel like you're alone.
The Mahalo Answer system is built around reward and feedback, but it's hard not to sometimes feel isolated when composing answers to almost anonymous questions. Thank-you very much for taking note of the questions that I've answered and the work that I've put into them. I sincerely appreciate it.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Good luck, Rob!
Kinda funny the timing. Maybe it should be policy for the best answers website around NOT to promote people on day with the word "fools" in it... or maybe you should get a little something extra for that! Good luck, Rob!
Kinda funny the timing. Maybe it should be policy for the best answers website around NOT to promote people on day with the word "fools" in it... or maybe you should get a little something extra for that! You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Wishing you the best. Wishing you the best.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. @robbrown... I'm sure this test will be a slam dunk for you. If not, I'll be joining Darcy on the protest march!
:) Congratulations on your well deserved brown belt! @robbrown... I'm sure this test will be a slam dunk for you. If not, I'll be joining Darcy on the protest march!
Congratulations on your well deserved brown belt! You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
I love competing with you. I love competing with you. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
Best of luck Rob! Best of luck Rob! You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Rob Brown is definitely a brown belt, not even sure if he should go through such a rigorous test! Rob Brown is definitely a brown belt, not even sure if he should go through such a rigorous test!
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Rob, I have enjoyed your thoughtful answers and dialog.
Rob, I have enjoyed your thoughtful answers and dialog. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
Good luck and Congrats. You deserve it. It's high quality answers like yours that we all should strive for.
Good luck and Congrats. You deserve it. It's high quality answers like yours that we all should strive for.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.