This question assumes too much. For oen thing, I acept Evolution and Big Bang, as well as an Old Earth, but I dont' say that the Bible got it wrogn or that I Trust God more than the Bible. Heck, the Big Bang Theory was concienved by a Jesyuit Priets and was initially rejected because it postulated a Moment of Creation, at a Time when the Scintific Community was convinced that the Universe never had a beginning and woudl never end.
How is it nowadays we assume that Big Bang is opposed to what the Bible teaches? It was originally critisised for beign too much in line with the Bible! The only reason some Christians rejet it nowadays is because too many peopel have assumed it violates the Bible becaue it "Science", as if ther e is a competition between Science and Religion.
That said, what you are calling Moderate Chrstians are often not all that Moderate. Rhey simply have a different understanding of the Biblical texts. None of them think that the Bible shoudl not be trusted.
As to rhe "Literalists" even they disagree over what the Bible mans on occassion. For istance, Augustine said the Bible was Literally True, making him a Literalist, but he rejected the Genesis Creation account as being completly True in terms of the Narrative. That was back in the 300's AD.
Todays Christians who do reject Evolution and an Old Earth, they do so on the basis that the Bible is God's word. They are not Trusting the Bib,le over God, they Trust God who they see as the principal author of the Bible. Your question thus makes no sense.
When examining a hypothesis in science, one assumes certain givens and then tests the hypothesis based upon those givens. I approach understanding God in the same way. I assumed He was real, and therefore His Word must totally line up with the reality around us.
Using this assumption and then examining the claims of the bible, I have come to the conclusion that there is absolutely not one iota of doubt that everything the bible claims is absolutely true. This is the expected result when one considers that God would be able to write a perfect book and be able to preserve its message throughout the history of mankind. The message in every translation is that we are forgiven through Jesus Christ, and as many as believe will receive eternal life.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.