You're not the only one, but I don't think it stinks. I don't think it's repulsive either. I think it's lovely.
Since I became a Cannabis Connoisseur (wow, that's quite a word... :s), I can smell it as I'm walking down the street when people are smoking in their houses and I can tell you what strain it is, I love the different smells of different grows and different plants and I think it's something a lot of people would be interested in if they could just get their heads out of the clouds ;).
Marijuana does stink, even people who smoke it say it stinks. They call it "skunk" But I do not think they think it stinks in a bad way. I think they think it Stinks in a good way, I do not know how anyone can think that something that they say smells like Skunk Smells Good.LOL.
Sir, I strongly feel that Marijuana stinks and stinks badly. Stink or not, once you are into it, You are lost. So please, please do not try it, because life is beautiful and do not waste it Regards gamchep.
You are not the only one. It is repulsive. Even more repulsive is what it can do to many unsuspecting users that start off having fun and end up with mental health problems.
There is so much research available today and a lot of it points to it being bad... There are many long term users that are probably so full of built up levels of the active ingredient of it in their brains and I suspect that these are the people that preach the benefits of it. I have lost (I say lost as they have never been the same again) many people to the drug. I now hate the smell of it, it really smells dirty.... The old naturally grown pot had much less of the active ingredient in it and so it probably took many years for regular users to be affected.
These days, the levels are so high that it can take a matter of months before damage can be done to the personality of the user. Especially young teens. Keep hating it, it is worthy of your hate!
If only more people would wake up and realise how harmful it can be. :))).
I think all drugs are repulsive. If I was forced to do one it would be pot, so I guess I would say it's better that the others, but I think pot sucks.
Sir, I strongly feel that Marijuana stinks and stinks badly. Stink or not, once you are into it, You are lost. I strongly feel that Marijuana stinks and stinks badly.
Stink or not, once you are into it, You are lost. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.