Another health care question: I recently heard that, if/when a new health care bill is passed?

Another health care question: I recently heard that, if/when a new health care bill is passed, we will need to ask the governments permission to get well. That really hit me hard. But then I realized that we now essentially need our insurance company's permission to get well.Is the difference significant?

Asked by Pam_I_Am 25 months ago Similar questions: health care question recently heard bill passed Business > Insurance.

Similar questions: health care question recently heard bill passed.

This I see is the essential difference ... We have some choice(s) in regard to insurance companies. We can even go without insurance if we desire. Yet, government health care will eventually require everyone, except the government elite of course, to be enrolled in this plan.

This means POWER to them: to decide what we eat or drink, when and if we can have children, when we die. What is worse, or at least just as bad, health care becomes a political football. What disease may or may not be covered will be fought for by special interests, there will be an AIDS lobby an abortion lobby a cancer lobby, rare disease will be left out ... why?

Not enough people to lobby to get their disease covered. What is happening already with breast cancer is just the beginning. The government will be looking to SAVE MONEY and rationing will become the rule.

Since there will be no place to run ... right now people from other countries come here ... I expect major problems. Cash for Clunkers cost taxpayers $24,000 for each car sold. The program is long gone now.

That program was nothing compared to Health Care. If the Government cannot handle Cash for Clunkers how will it handle one sixth of our economy and OUR LIVES. These are radicals who will put you in jail if you don't sign up.

What if someone said, you will go to jail if you don't buy this car, do you expect it will be a good car? No, anything worth anything will sell without being FORCED! They are forcing this down our throats because they know its no good for us.

POWER for them ---- nothing for us.

2 Others may understand this and answer or comment and I will see from their comments. But on the face of it, I am a bit confused.

Others may understand this and answer or comment and I will see from their comments. But on the face of it, I am a bit confused.

3 I am sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about. Your question is unclear. What do you mean by we need to ask the govt to get well?

I am sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about. Your question is unclear. What do you mean by we need to ask the govt to get well?

4 I wouldn't believe anything any body says about this. I have time to read the whole bill but even doing that will not make it crystal clear. The only way to really find out is to try it.

I'm going to slap myself if this thing ends up where more is spent on forms and other read tape than is spent on the actual money spent on the actual patient. I will become a fierce Republican if that is what is going to happen.

I wouldn't believe anything any body says about this. I have time to read the whole bill but even doing that will not make it crystal clear. The only way to really find out is to try it.

I'm going to slap myself if this thing ends up where more is spent on forms and other read tape than is spent on the actual money spent on the actual patient. I will become a fierce Republican if that is what is going to happen.

" "Health care reform. Will I be able to add my 21yr old to my insurance if health care reform bill becomes law?

I've just heard that Former Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean is urging defeat of the Health Care Bill.

Has anyone heard any recent Nancy Pelosi comments on the Health Care Bill.

Health care reform. Will I be able to add my 21yr old to my insurance if health care reform bill becomes law?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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