I am asking this question for someone else. She just gave her niece a housewarming present a month back (a nice crystal clock), and now its her wedding anniversary. The aunt (and I) have no ideas, so I told her I will enlist you awesome Askvillers for help :) Thanks!
PS: In case anyone is wondering, the aunt is related to the niece through her sister, who is the niece's mom! Asked by PnL 52 months ago Similar questions: gift ideas aunt give niece wedding anniversary Lifestyle > Anniversaries.
Similar questions: gift ideas aunt give niece wedding anniversary.
A restaurant gift certificate I've found these to be SUCH wonderful gifts! I just make sure that the recipient has that particular restaurant in close proximity and I've given certificates to restaurants such as Olive Garden and Cheesecake Factory. Everyone seems to love a free meal out.
One less chore, and it can provide "date night" for the newlyweds.
I love this one well, actually two.... a collection of Christmas ornaments (if they celebrate the holiday, obviously....) to start a tradition in their home. They will think of her every time they break out that box of ornaments, and it brings so much to the season to have things that remind you of family.... OR a picnic basket with cool plastic dishes, cups, some dollar store napkins and a wine opener. It will encourage them to get out into nature and have a "date" that doesn't cost much.As a wedding present, I gave this to a couple along with a years membership to one of the nature preserves up here.
It was really appreciated, original, and not too costly. There are so many things that are not really costly, but good for a couple; maybe a Netflix membership with a gift of microwave popcorn, silly sodas (like root beer, orange; movie flavors!), good and plenty, and maybe a couch "throw" to ward off cold toes while they're watching... Or a gift certificate to a local restaurant or pizzaria, so they can have a "date night" together. Or a few nice but not too costly picture frames for those wedding photos.....
It's the Paper Anniversary Of course it will depend upon the niece's lifestyles, tastes and writing habits, but the 1st anniversary is the Paper Anniversary (much as the 25th anniversary is the Silver Anniversary, the 50th is the Golden Anniversary, etc). Your friend could give them some beautiful, luxurious stationery, a nice journal, even a photo album covered in nice paper. Other thoughts could be books, tickets, even a paper gift certificate.
Stationery is the most traditional gift but again, if it's not her thing, it might not be appropriate. I own a stationery store in Chicago and we just did a stationery gift yesterday for a 1st Paper Anniversary! .
Family Pictures You could get some really nice frames and then scan your best family pictures... you know... those ones of mutual loved ones that are "ancestors" who have passed on... those old black and white or sienna photos. Print them on photo quality paper and frame them behind UV blocking glass (for longevity). This will get her thinking about family and the whole family and I think that is important.
You may even be able to borrow photos for scanning from your mom... dad... uncles.... etc. Sources: Personal Experience .
I heard that a lot of newlywed couples still get a kick out of seeing their name as Mr. and Mrs . . .
For example, you might consider nice bathrobes with Mr "Their last name" on one and Mrs. "Their last name" on the other. For my sisters first anniversay, I found a nice breakfast in bed tray and filled it with gourmet breakfast items from World Market. I encluded cloth napkins and nice coffee mugs.
I used this page for inspiration on how to put it together: http://www.winecountrygiftbaskets.com/gift-baskets/gift_basket_detail.asp?aff=y&item_no=13+10+24+551&origref=&alias=http://www.winecountrygiftbaskets.com/information/affil_redir.asp?r=2&v=551&sc=GIFTS01. Also, if giving a food basket, you can include your own mixes from your favorite recipes and layer them in decorative jars. See here for ideas: angelfire.com/biz6/CountryCottage/Homema... Gifts.Com always has a lot of good suggestions for any occasion.
Here is their anniversary page:
For example, my sister's mother and law gave her paper towels and a card with money as a gift. You might consider having toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls poking out of a gift bag on top of the real gift..
Suppose a rich aunt wants to offer you $50k as a gift. However, you know that this will give her power to criticise. " "What are some good personal gift ideas for a family couple's 40th wedding anniversary?(they really don't NEED anything)" "Any ideas on a great anniversary gift to give your wife on your 17th anniversary?" "Can someone give me ideas for a birthday gift for my grandmother?
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Suppose a rich aunt wants to offer you $50k as a gift. However, you know that this will give her power to criticise.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.