Here are a few ideas I found online or in my brain! 1. Princess party "magic wands": kebabs with fruits or veggies.
You could even use cookie cutters to make them into cute shapes and dress the sticks up with a star at the end. This would be a fun way to get kids to eat healthy snacks!
Princess finger foods: You can get inexpensive plastic silver serving trays and then decorate them with stick-on jewels (sticker earrings type) to give a royal look. Use these to serve your finger foods, like star-shaped sandwiches, crackers, or fruit. 3. Make your own princess pink ice cubes by freezing kool-aid and adding it to clear soda for a cute effect that kids love.
4. If you have (or can buy, borrow, or rent) a chocolate fountain, it would be a great addition to any princess party. The guests could stick their fruit "magic wands" under it!
Food suggestions: > homemade chicken nuggets or chicken fingers > smiley potato faces > packs of sweets > birthday cake > Mini individual pizzas > hotdogs > Cakes of various variety > Ice cream Here are some great links about hosting a 4 year old birthday party:
Jewel Salad (a salad with dried cranberries, golden raisins, cherries or any other fruit that may look like gems. Magic wands (pretzel rods dipped in white chocolate and sprinkled with star-shaped decorations or sprinkles). Heart-shaped or star-shaped rice crispy treat wands just add a stick to them to look like wands.
Also, you can dip them in chocolate and add sprinkles for more of the wand effect just like the pretzels. Cotton candy, Caramel popcorn. You can make goodie bags and put some "Princess" gummies, candy bracelets/ necklaces, ring pops.
Almost everyone loves Jello! Try some jello cut into crown molds, or maybe even homemade Rice Crispy Treats . You could try some sugar cookies covered with princess pink icing.
You could also try Ring-Pops, they are giant jewels on your princesses fingers! Hope this helps!
Make star shaped Peanut Butter & Jelly (make sure the guests aren't allergic! ), egg salad, & bologna/cheese sandwiches, star shaped cookies with pink, yellow and white frosting, star shaped yellow Jell-O jigglers (make a big cookie sheet of jello jiggler and cut out once set) The children can decorate their cookies with icing and sprinkles as a food activity. Glue small images (from coloring pages or clipart) onto toothpicks.
Let dry. Stick in the top of cupcakes for an instant theme party treat! Hollow out a pumpkin and fill with dip for veggies kisses for the princess (Hershey’s kisses) poison apples the kids can bob for For more info go to
My grandchildren always love the finger food. Their favorites were cheese , cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes, orange slices, cucumbers slices, cherry tomatoes, brownie, lunch meat, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, celery and pickles all in bite size pieces. I had ranch dip and a fruit dip they loved to dunk them in.
The items or endless, just use your little Princess's favorites. Of course we always had a gh Noon Tea with our finger food I made flavored teas and put in cut tea pot I bought at dollar store. I purchase some clear dishes with cups and salad plates.
You can go wrong with this set up! It has been tested and always a hit. With four year old you my have to help pour the tea!
Butterfly cakes, Cup Cakes, a princess cake of course, Hannah Montana goodie bags, stuff like that.
Try this website for some ideas. These guys have ideas for just about any kind of kid's party.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.