Me and my family are big fans of chicken. It's on the menu in 2 or sometimes 3 different ways a week. First off, buy a whole chicken.
There are a ton of things you can do with them. For less than the cost of a package of 2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts, I can buy a whole chicken. I like to stretch our grocery store budget as far as I can and buying whole, local chickens is wicked awesome.
Here's what I do with mine: 1) Sometimes, I simply roast it.
Sometimes, I have enough to give away to friends... but most of the time, I keep it on hand to cook with. It's very versitle.
If you fancy yourself any sort of frugal cook, breaking down a whole chicken is the easiest way to stretch a buck. Here are the steps to butcher a chicken: What you're left with include: 2 Breasts I leave the skin on these so that I can decide if I want it on or off depending on the recipe when I cook.4 "wings" I put these in a ziplock freezer bag and group them together until I have enough for a full meal.2 thighs These can be cooked a variety of ways.2 of them make for a good meal. Personally, I take the bones out of them and make "boneless chicken wings" for the kiddies.
Just cover them in the same sauce you use for regular chicken wings and roll them together before putting them on to cook. These fake wings are also a great choice for folks who are on a diet because they're significantly less fatty than the actual wings.2 drums Another good meal here. Usually, I "shake and bake" these with some bread crumbs and some other misc spices I have in the kitchen.
Toss them in the oven with some sweet potatoes cut into frech fries and you have a dinner that's as crazy delicious as Mr. Pibb. All of the above are things that I traditionally freeze in vacuum sealable foodsaver bags. They keep for a long time in the freezer.
Other Meat I'm always left with other good meat. For whatever reason, this is usually the first meal I serve when I buy a new batch of whole chickens. I usually cook this stuff right away.
I'll toss it in the oven on low with some BBQ sauce and let it cook away. I'll serve roasted chicken sandwiches with most of the meat and put the rest into some stock to form my last thing... 4) Soup It's simple. Just take some stock, some misc meat and bingo bango... home made chicken soup.
I freeze 1 portion quantities of this soup so that it's easy to take out and microwave whenever we want.
Chicken Piccata - sooooooooooo good!
If you like sweet and savory food, Chicken Breast w/ Hazelnut Cream Sauce is my FAVORITE. So yummy. Ms.
Mel's recipe at this site is the one I'm thinking of - there are others with a lighter glaze, but this one is so good. Top it with toasted almonds and sauteed peppers for extra yum.
My husband is a huge fan of Tomato Chicken Parmesan from allrecipes. Com:Tomato Chicken Parmesan6 servings2 eggs, beaten1 cup grated Parmesan cheese7 ounces seasoned bread crumbs6 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves1 tablespoon vegetable oil12 ounces pasta sauce6 slices Monterrey Jack cheese DIRECTIONSPreheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Pour beaten eggs into a shallow dish or bowl.In another shallow dish or bowl, mix together the grated Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs.
Dip chicken breasts into beaten egg, then into bread crumb mixture to coat. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium high heat. Add coated chicken and saute for about 8 to 10 minutes each side, or until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear.
Pour tomato sauce into a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking dish. Add chicken, then place a slice of Monterrey Jack cheese over each breast, and bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes or until cheese is completely melted.
Costa Rican Chicken: Best chicken dish EVER................ 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts (or store bought whole cooked) 2 cups fresh cut pineapple. 2 bell peppers. 1 white onion.1 avocado.
Steamed rice. Black beans. Small flower tortillas.
Hot sauce to taste. Cut up the chicken and sautee in pan along with bell peppers, pineapple and onion. Serve along side black beans and rice.
Avocado sliced on the side Use tortillas as you would with fajitas..... mmmm mmmm good!
King Ranch Chicken is so delicious, just add a salad and you have a meal! Enjoy. ROTEL "KING RANCH CHICKEN" 1/4 cup margarine (or butter) 1 med.
Green bell pepper, chopped 1 med. Onion, chopped 1 can (10-3/4 oz. ) condensed cream of mushroom soup 1 can (10-3/4 oz.) condensed cream of chicken soup (I vary this recipe, by using 2 cans of the cream of chicken, versus using the mushroom soup) 1 can (10 oz.
) Extra Hot or Milder Ro-tel 2 cups cubed cooked chicken 12 corn tortillas, torn into bite-sized pieces (I end up using more than this, about 18) 2 cups (8 oz) shredded cheddar cheese In a large saucepan, cook pepper and onion in melted margarine, until tender-about 5 min. Add soup (s), Rotel and chicken, stirring until well blended.In a 13x9x2-inch baking pan, alternately layer tortillas, soup mixture and then cheese, repeating for 3 layers, ending with cheese. Bake 40 min.
Or until hot and bubbling. Serves 8.
If you like something with gravy, let me suggest "Mughlai Chicken". Saw it on Food Network the other day, and tried it. It was delicious!
Here's a link to recipe: If you like dry chicken, and have a separate liquid/sauce, I strongly suggest "Tandoori Chicken". It's one of my all-time favorite. Here's a link to the recipe: Neither should take you more than 30-40 minutes to prepare.
And they are so good, it'll take less than a minute to eat it up! Here's another link to find creative recipes to prepare something "quick from scratch" with Chicken. : Hope this helped!
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