Are 3rd Party Hitachi FEB 9S Batteries Compatible to My Hitachi FEB 9S Charger?

AtBatt’s 3rd party power tool batteries were designed to work with your OEM Hitachi FEB 9S battery charger. Most of our power tool batteries are made with the same Japanese battery cells used in OEM batteries with the highest industry standards. AtBatt’s batteries are designed to original manufacturer’s specifications, and will meet or exceed original Hitachi FEB 9S batteries and not void manufacturer’s warranty.

How can I maximize the performance of my Hitachi FEB 9S battery? There are several steps you can take to help you get maximum performance from your power tool battery: Prevent the Memory Effect - Keep the power tool battery healthy by fully charging and then fully discharging it at least once every two to three weeks. Exceptions to the rule are Li-Ion batteries which do not suffer from the memory effect.

Keep the Hitachi FEB 9S Batteries Clean - It's a good idea to clean dirty battery contacts with a cotton swab and alcohol. This helps maintain a good connection between the ... more.

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