Best rechargeable batteries and charger for canon sx130 is?

Eneloops are OK, but they are only guaranteed to have a capacity of 1900mAH. Maha/PowerEX 2700s have 30% more capacity. Considering that the best Alkaline Duracell Coppertops can have as much as 2400mAH capacity, the Eneloops are only going to get you into rechargeable batteries, not necessarily longer lasting than good Alkalines.

You can decide which ones you want to use. I have verified the manufacturer's specs for these batteries with a Maha C-9000 battery analyzer.

I have the same camera I use the Maha 2700's and the Maha charger check on

You can go on and get best rechargeable batteries and charger for canon sx130 is.

Sanyo eneloop batteries have earned themselves the distinction of being great. They are available at Costco, and Amazon for sure. And probably many other places.My camera takes both rechargeables and Energizer Ultimate Lithium.

I mention the Lithium's only because a package was included with the purchase of my Pentax Kx DSLR last year (Nov'10) and I replaced them in the first part of August 2011! Lithuim's are about $10. For a pack of 4 and are not rechargeable.

Just be sure to go into the "menu" of your camera to set it to the type of batteries you are using. My Pentax makes destination beween rechargables and Lithiums. Good Luck.

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