There are a number of endangered wolf subspecies and they are as follows; the Red Wolf, Vancouver Island Wolf, Caspian Sea Wolf, Mexican Wolf, Arabian Wolf, Indian Wolf, Ethiopian Wolf, and Eastern Wolf Currently The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species List did "list" the Gray Wolf again, along with the Maned Wolf, and the Red Wolf, mentioned above. This was in Oct.2008. Things can, and do change often.
If you'd like to see The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species List see web site listed below Tasmanian wolves are actually NOT wolves, or even dogs. The Tasmanian wolf, or tiger, was a striped marsupial predator called the thylacine. It was in no way related to the true wolves.It was quite different to the Tasmanian devil Grey Wolf (aka: Timber Wolf) lives in North America, Eurasia and Middle East.
By excessive hunting has caused these wolves to almost become extinct Red Wolf is the rarest and most endangered and is found in eastern North America from Pennsylvania in the east to southern Florida. 155 captive re conservation parks; 100 in the wilds and 68 with radio collars Ethiopian Wolf (aka: KY kebero); aka: Simien Jackal; Simien Fox and Abyssinian Wolf.450 adults remain since 2003 and 38 have died from rabies Mexican Wolf is related to the Grey Wolf in North America. For lack of prey these wolves went after livstock and the government issued eradicfication of them.U.S.Fish and Wildlife reinterduced this species and 100 are in the Apache and Gila National Forests and New Mexico as of 2005 Arctic Wolf (aka: Polar Wolf or White Wolf) and is related to the Grey Wolf. They live in the Canadian Arctic and northern parts of Greenland.
These wolves were almost extinct and now live in sanctuaries with 8 - 10 per 40 acres Eastern Wolf (aka: Canadian Wolf or Eastern Canadian Red Wolf is a species of the Grey Wolves and Red Wolves or Coyotes. The range in south of the U.S. Population of these wolves is unknown, but there is an over population of them Eurasian Wolfe (aka: Common Wolf; European Wolf; Carpathian Wolf; Steppes Wolfe; Tibetan Wolf and Chinese Wolf) and is related to the Grey Wolf and they survive mainly in Central Asia Italian Wolf (aka: Apennine Wolfe) related to the Grey Wolf is found in Italy and is one species of wolf of the least concern for preservation of this species Tundra Wolf is related to the Grey Wolf.It lives in northern Europe and Asian and primarily in northern arctic and boreal regions of Russia. This species is of less concern as far as preserving the species Maned Wolf appears between a cross of a wolf, African hunting dog and Hyena, but no conclusions to the relationship of species has been proved.
The Maned Wolf lives in southern Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Volivia east of the Andes.It is estimated there is only 4500 - 2200 of the Maned Wolf left Arabian Wolf live in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman and are considered to be critically endangered and the species in declining Caspian Sea Wolf lives between the Caspian and Black seas and the endanger to the species in declining Egyptian Wolf lives in far northern Africa and it is a critically endangered species Great Plains Wolf lives in the Southern Rocky Mountains; Midwestern U.S.; Eastern and Northeastern Canada, far Southwestern Canada and Southeastern Alaska. Surprisingly enough this species is stable even with a continuous hunting of them by the U.S. And in parts of Canada Indian Wolf lives in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and is endangered; declining MacKenzie Valley Wolf lives in Alaska, Northern Rockies, Western and Central Canada and this species was declining, but reintroducted to Yellowstone National Park and Idaho in 1995. They are legally hunted in Alaska and parts of Canada and protected in the U.
S Russian Wolf lives in Central Russia. This species is stable but declining Kenai Peninsula Wolfe lived in Alaska, but is now extinct Texas Grey Wolf had lived in Texas and Northeast Mexico but the species is extint New Foundland Wolf of course lived in Newfoundland and is extinct Southern Rocky Mountain Wolf lives in the mountain regions of Colorado, Utah and Nevada and are extinct Mongoilin Mountain Wolf lived in Central Arizona and New Mexcio and is extinct Hokkaido Wolf lived on the Japanese island of Hokkaido and is extinct Honshu Wolf lived on the Japanese islands of Honshu; Shikoku and Kyushu and is extinct Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf once lived in the Northern Rocky Mountains of the U.S.And Southern Alberta (Canada) and is extinct.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.