Everybody used to think that clowns were funny until one day someone made a movie about an evil clown, which planted the idea that a clown could look scary, and ever since then people have been taking off on the idea that clowns can look scary, specifically *because* it's so counter-intuitive to think of clowns as scary. But if you want, you can say that they look *both* funny-ha ha, and funny-strange. If they look funny-ha ha, then they are funny, and if they look funny-strange, then they can be thought of as scary.
I'd work as a clown if it paid enough, and if I got to invent my own clown-face... which are copyrightable, by the way.
Scary It's more of a freakishness that they bring out in me I mean, they are simply tooo cheerful, tooo fake, and when you grow up to be an adult you no longer find that normal, as if they their real self is lost behind all that make-up, and they are seeking revenge on you, and soon you get the feeling that every clown is a Joker(from batman)! I'm also afraid of clowns because they were made into something horrible. I used to love them, then I was traumatized when I got older, I realized that they were no longer the pure, happy clowns whose only goal was to make you happy.
And yes, as I said before, ever since then I feel sinister when I see clowns. It's just the way it is now. And, having said all that, I would say that I will never work as a clown.
Well, it all depends on the person and the clown.... Some people like me fear masks.... and well a clowns makeup might be like a mask... I am not afraid of clowns because they talk. I am afraid of people who put masks on and don't talk. Some people love clowns.
Some clowns wear bright color clothing, a cute little or big smile, and make cute balloon animals! Other people fear them, even if they are dressed like the cute clowns... it is called Coulrophobia, the fear of clowns. Just like how some of us fear spiders, the dark, or whatever, some people have the fear of clowns.
People become afraid of clowns for many reasons. 1. A clown scared them as a child 2.
Scary movies. 3. Other people are afraid of them that they know, so they are now afraid to 4.
As a child afraid of the makeup that the clown wears, because lets admit, the make up can be a bit much. 5. Not being able to see the real facial expression, since the make up makes you think they are smiling, its hard to see how they really feel.
6. Tons more It also depends on how the clown in dressed, and how their makeup is. For example.
This is possible a non scary clown.
In one of their episodes titled "Lisa's First Word," we learn that when Marge gets pregnant with Lisa, Bart has to give up his crib to her. To make Bart feel better, Homer makes a new bed for Bart. A clown bed.
Instead of being cute, it is actually kind of scary. (picture below) Since Bart is young, he has a wild imagination, and starts to believe that his clown bed will eat him... Great now a new fear for children, a fear that clowns will eat them... the next morning we see Bart in a corner, saying over and over again, "Can't Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me".
Sure, If I needed the money, and I was able to get a few jobs as a clown. Not sure if I would make a good one though... I am not very funny. And I am not good at making balloon animals.
I can make a dog though. So yeay... oh and a snake! Lol just blow the balloon up and draw eyes on it.
I don't know of anyone who has a "gray area" regarding clowns. Nobody kinda likes them. You really like them, or you really don't like them.
I find many more negative clown phobias than I do clown idolatry. I do not find them funny, for the most part. Actually, from afar (circus) not so bad.
Close up (kid's birthday party) they creep me out. In 1960, my sister was terrified of clowns and remains so. That was long before the horror film aspect.
Something about the morph from normal human to abnormal maybe-human terrorized her. Still icks her out. I would not work as a clown.
I prefer to rant about exotic pets here on Mahalo, where I am happy! Yeah - this is the guy I want to see blow up balloon animals. Not!
Some people dress up as scary clowns. If I would work as one, I want to be the funny one with a red nose and a funky cap. I will have a very big smiley appearance.
I would work as one but what exactly is funny about clowns I don't know. The one in the picture above is like the scariest clown I have seen recently.
I never really thought of clowns as scary but you know, they really are a bit odd. All I can think of is "Killer Clowns" and how nuts they are. I'm not afraid of clowns but I'm not sure I'd want to be alone in a room with one.
When I was younger, I loved Bozo the clown. He was sort of harmless looking. Then there was Ronald McDonald, who I am convinced is a serial killer.
Look at him...he's just trapped in a fast food lifestyle and is probably pretty sick of having kids sit in his lap. So, yes, clowns are scary for the most part. I would not want to dress up as one but I was known as a class clown way back when I was....young.
I think clowns are funny and I wouldn't mind dressing up as one because I would get to see the wonder on a young child's face. I just think clowns have gotten a bad reputation because of some horror movies like Clown House and others.
To be very frank, the clowns seem neither scary nor funny to me. Rather, they seem gloomy behind their make-up and masks. They make me sad and give me a feeling that they are putting on all those irritating make-up and uncomfortable dresses just for the sake of earning something.
I would not be a clown. That's what I feel. Thanks.
After reading and watching Stephen King's "It" - they will ALWAYS be scary. Even for a 250-pound man. It's the eyes...something's not right with the eyes.
A clown in the circus would certainly be the best -- making children and adults laugh. We certainly need a laugh or a smile in this economy :).
To me, clowns aren't funny or scary. They're mean. One summer I worked with a clown doing shows (see picture below.
That's me on the left) If we didn't make enough money at the end of the day, he would threaten to eat me. I was traumatized. I was the worst summer of my life.
Thank God I made it out alive.
I think they scare many people because of the horror movies they made.
I always wanted to believe that clowns were funny. I was on the Bozo show years ago LOL. And we had a blast.
I guess it really depends on the character behind the mask for you can make them any way you choose. Some love funny clowns while others thrive on scary clowns. Some people just plainly love a clown regardless and others might have a phobia of them.
I would play the role of a clown any day as long as it made people or children laugh. I love entertaining so yes to make someone laugh I would be a clown. flickr.com/photos/brwayne/3633692591/ flickr.com/photos/sandmarg/3904240232/ flickr.com/photos/bitca/3596744436/ flickr.com/photos/amarillo_chillon/24011....
They are scary to me but not that mutch, and NO I will not work as a clown because they are stupid and weird so don't think about being a clown have a better job like open a restaurant or be in a bussiness.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.