Are designer handbags worth the money?

Regardless of whether or not you'd personally buy one, I think anyone who feels they're a waste of money simply doesn't comprehend the different types of value that exist. First, there actually is a lot to be said for the craftsmanship. Also, even if not all designer bags are revolutionary looking, the fashion houses usually are the ones to set the long term trends.

On top of that, you have two other things: history and exclusivity. Designer handbag purchasers want to buy from a company that has been around for decades, or even a century or more. It means something to them the same way a Rolls Royce means something.

Finally, part of the cost is simply the price of making sure other people *don't* have it. In this world, it isn't necessarily about what you have, it's about what others don't have. Small production runs drive costs up, and therefore prices up, but customers want exclusive products so they keep buying and justify the cost.

I've never thought so. In the end, what is a bag? It's something to carry things around with.

And there are a few things you might want in a bag -- durability, roominess, ease of carrying, maybe aesthetic appeal. None of these factors are exclusively found in designer handbags. Designer handbags, in the end, are only this expensive because of branding.It's usually that way.

There's so little distinction between a lot of products, so people came up with the idea of "fashion" to trivially distinguish themselves. And I never liked that very much.

Designer handbags, just as any other luxury, have a perceived value to the buyer. Be it for quality, durability or style, a person buying a designer handbag applies a value on it that they determine merits the high price. Does this make them worth the elevated price?

Well, if the purchaser is not sacrificing this luxury for other essential items for themselves or their immediate family, then if spending a large amount of money on a specific handbag gives them a satisfaction or pleasure, then yes, it's worth it. If on the other hand, the essentials are being sacrificed, or the item is being bought out of compulsive behavior, then the handbag is probably not worth it.

If you have enough money to buy one or you earn a lot that you have more money in your pocket, then they're worth it. If you're having difficulty with money that you have to save up for it, then not. It depends on the person buying.

For those who can buy them, they're a lot worth it than buying cheaper ones. Purchasing a designer bag is like buying a house that even after many years, you can still see it's value. You can also achieve quality by purchasing them.

Compared to other bags costing less, these designer bags uses quality expensive materials so you can be sure that what you're getting is worth it. But if you don't really have much money, I would recommend buying normal priced bags. They don't really have too much value that you can still sell it after many years, but you can use it efficiently just like those designer bags.

In my opinion designer handbags are worth the money, when you buy it as an investment piece, because they can last a lifetime, unlike fakes and counterfeit, which will just last for a few months. In addition, in buying designer bags, your paying for the label that goes into it, the names like Prada are built through the years. Most designer handbags are handcrafted requiring a lot of effort and craftsmanship.

No they aren't... I can say this with 100% certainty. All it needs to do is let you carry a few basic possessions and thats all. I see no reason why anyone would get any pleasure in them at all.

On the other hand MrsPsionandy can't see any reason why I'd think it was a great idea to spend a similar amount of money on a phone. Especially when she argues that all it needs to do is let you make calls. Anything else is pointless and she sees no reason why anyone would get any pleasure out it etc.... So whilst I don't see the point, if someone else enjoys them and can afford them thats great.

I have to disagree with previous posters here arguing for the superior quality of designer handbags. I've had both designer and imitation handbags, and there is absolutely no considerable difference in the lasting-power of one bag over another with normal everyday wear and tear. As the years go by, I still find myself amazed when my thrift-shop finds outlast my designer purchases--though I'm beginning to be less surprised the more frequently this occurs.

If the bag is full-package must-have--you love the material, layout, and hardware--go ahead and buy it. If you only like a few aspects of the bag--the size, the pocket distribution, the handle--try to find a less expensive option to better suit your tastes. You will thank yourself later.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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