Designer brand handbags. Are they worth the cost?

I have several designer bags - Gucci, Michael Kors, Cole Haan, and Coach (if you consider that designer). I think the bags are of higher quality and in the long run last longer. Yes they are expensive but buying something that will last is worth it.

No, not at all! They break very easily. This is probably why people buy the fake designer handbags.

I don't understand why this do this either ..

I think it depends the brand. Real luxury brand bags are handmade and time doesn't really affect a lot to them. They don't break easily and materials are top quality.So even you pay a bit more they last longer than 5 other bags you could buy on a same time.

Then we have these 2nd class designer brands - the ones which are affordable for middle class as well. I have only bad experiences. They look nice but start to fall in pieces after 6 months, it's crazy.

I rather pay half more and buy real quality design bag or then just go to H&M or Accessorize and buy similar quality 80 % cheaper.

No its not. A lot of the expensive ones brake easily and you cnt get a refund. So, no.

Its not.

Well if you buy a luois vuitton bag, it's not wearth the price trust me on this one, youll have it in six mounth if you are very carefully with it, the luxury things, I mean if you drop it will propaly not be as shinny, it is something you can have with you two or three times, then you can't use it anymore...

Well it depends on the materials used with their products. However, there are lots of designer brand replica handbags you can buy online with cheaper price and same quality. You could try a replica handbags first if you want.

Try this one -

If you are a brand name handbags lovers,i think you can have a try online shopping the high replica ones. Good quality and the same outlook.

I think that is a problem worth pondering. I also have the same problem. Finally, I have an advice to you.

Maybe you can buy the replica. In modern time, the quality of replicas is good as authentic. I think you can have a try...

I am also a fan of luxury handbags, but it's too expensive for me, so I would like to choose replica designer handbags, there is a website I always follow, I think it's handbags are good, you can go and see it,may be you will like

I think it is depend on customer's choice of buy designer handbags.

If you want to buy cheap Designer brand handbags,visit Shiang in UK.

Shiang brings you exquisitely crafted Designer Handbags, Designer Shoes and Accessories all handmade by leading artists.

In my opionion, the price of luxury handbags are very expensive, I would rather to choose high quality replica handbags to save my money~~.

Also the price is much lower than the authentic one.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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