I cannot believe this question is actually taken serious, I expect that I will be voted as "unhelpful" but come on this better be a joke. Are ghosts multilingual? Why don't we just ask how many fingers aliens have or if the Smurfs really exist?
Mahalo should be a serious website not some loony facts about dead spirits and wether they speak different languages, I am laughing as I write this. First lets look at emprical data about ghosts: none ... okay question answered. I do not believe that ghosts are multi-lingual because ghosts do not exist.
I believe in science and logic, and ofcourse if you go looking for ghosts in spooky Eastern European prisons and forget to turn the lights on your brain will play tricks on you. Does Santa Clause speak every language in the world, including Persi and Indian?
I read some psychic books and they said the ghosts communicate to the medium not using language, but a kind of telepathy. So they don't have a language.
Hmm interesting question, of course my analytical mind goes to the patternicity theory, that being that the human mind will find something tangible to them out of an abstract noise or visual thing. All I'm saying is that they "may" here what seems like english to them because their brain is wanting to make sense out of the noise they are hearing, therefore they truly believe they are hearing words. Of course you don't want to argue semantics but this has always been my thoughts on this phenomenon.
I think they would they be limited to the language of which they originally spoke. I don't know how they would automatically understand other languages just because they are now a ghost. Of course it's all speculation and whether or not ghosts even exist is still highly debated many many people.
This is a whole can of worm food you've opened up here! So much to explain and understand... Ok, first of all the practice of hearing spirits is generally referred to as "CLAIRAUDIENCE" (you've heard of clairvoyance, right? - this is auditory instead of visual).
Anyone who has a gift for clairaudience and uses it to communicate with spirits are referred to as "mediums". WHY DOES THIS MATTER? Because for your answer, you need to understand how Mediums do what they do, and how clairaudience works.SO HOW DOES CLAIRAUDIENCE WORK?
The Medium will usually hear a number of signals from spirits - a voice, a material sound, the sounds of a memory, a name, or sometimes a foreign language. Many Mediums find that spirits don't heavily rely on their living natural language for communication (although some do) - using basic sounds, names, noises, or universal words to send a message. And most Mediums who experience clairaudience, also experience some form of clairvoyance (again, seeing things - images, visions, memories, materializations).
This aids in the communication gap in case there isn't a form of universal communication. SO ARE THESE GHOST HUNTERS FOR REAL?Potentially...yes. First, there's nothing to say that the spirits aren't able to communicate in English (did they know it in life?
Can they learn after death? The mysteries of the universe and beyond!). BUT DO I THINK THEY'RE REAL?
Probably not. I completely 100% believe there are real psychics, real Mediums. Real ghosts.
But the odds that these yahoos on the show happen to be some of the very few gifted on the planet? VERY SLIM! And the fact that they didn't address the language barrier issue does send up a red flag.
Heck, the fact that they're on a tv show sends up a red flag, too! http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonyjcase/2191160470.
If ghosts exist, I would guess that they communicate in the same language or languages they knew when living. On the other hand, their intelligence may be greatly reduced and focused. This could explain why they seem to get stuck, staying in one place and doing the same actions over and over again.
Wow, im surprised no sensitive people answered this, or they just don't want to be outed due to the ignorance and heavy skeptism in most people.. No. Unless the being was multi-lingual when it died, ghosts do not automaticly get to instantly learn languages when they die. Most "ghosts" can just be a repeative energy stuck in a loop hole, a being unaware of their death(they do the same thing over and over again) or just a stale imprint of something tragic that happened in the past.So no, in a paranormal view, a ghost is a being/energy that is stuck in a particular time frame, it cannot learn or move on.. so it can't learn another language Oh and those paranormal shows are pretty much crap, IMO...
I would think that only if they were multilingual before they died. I don't think they are all knowing like a god, so they would have to gain the knowledge somehow.
IF GHOSTS DO EXIST: Yes. Well, some. There are supposed sightings and haunting stories from around the world, so if apparitions do appear to some people and in some places, then the answer seems obvious.
However, I believe that since ghosts are the souls of people who have ambitions or duties to fulfill after death, so they should have the same intellect as their once-living counterparts. If a person who only spoke one language died, then the corresponding ghost should only be able to speak one language. ULTIMATELY: It all comes down to what kind of intellect ghosts have after death.
The concept behind supernatural occurrences is without proof, similarly to religion. So if ghosts exist, there should be a Heaven and a Hell, right? If this is the case, the wisdom one receives after death might be astronomically tremendous.
A ghost's intelligence might be infinitely expanding, as well. If this is the case, they know every language.
That would require being haunted, and I don't want that to happen to me!
No, I do not think that ghosts are multi-lingual. I believe that ghost can communicate in the languages they learned when they were alive. If they learned more than one language when they were alive, after they die, they can communicate using those languages.
I know is know the same, but this is kind of an example. I grew up speaking Spanish, only Spanish. I started feeling comfortable speaking, writing and reading in English after I turned 26.
During the first 25 years of my life I never spoke English when I had a dream because I did not know English. In my opinion, the same thing happens with ghosts. They cannot communicate in a language they do not know.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.