Are Metallica the best?

No. IS Metallica the best? No.It's a matter of personal taste, which should change for you over time as you discover new music.

If you haven't, check out the self titled Rage Against the Machine album. It's similarish to Metallica, but better (that's just my opinion though).

Well "the best" is a hard question to answer. They're good, yes, and very skilled. But are they "the best?"

Compared to what? Other rock bands? All music in general?

I think it would be more helpful to ask why people like or dislike Metallica. Now if your question was, "Does Metallica rock? " the answer would be a resounding "hell yeah!

Music isn't really in the realm of good and bad, but rather like and dislike. Some Metallica is fantastic. Some is horrible.

Well, for me, at least! Many people will differ in their opinions. There are a lot of groups that do a lot more for me than most Metallica does, but I've got to give Master of Puppets and And Justice For All their due.

Overall, though? There's plenty of metal I prefer to Metallica... Opeth, Dream Theater, Ulver, Agalloch, the list goes on.

Metallica were the best act at this year’s Download Festival, as voted by NME.COM users. The metal heavyweights played a two-hour set bringing the first day of the festival to a close on Saturday (June 9) – playing their eponymous 1991 album, commonly known as 'The Black Album', in its entirety alongside numerous other well-known tracks. Black Sabbath were voted the second best performance, after they closed the festival on Sunday (June 10) with a career-spanning set.

Coming onstage to a montage of vintage photos, they opened with their eponymous track from their eponymous debut album. Tony Iommi was in full force on a crucifix-adorned fretboard while frontman Ozzy Osbourne played harmonica. During the third track, 'Behind The Wall Of Sleep', Ozzy Osbourne introduced "Mr Geezer Butler" for a bass solo.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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