Are multisymptom over-the-counter (OTC) drugs safe for my child?

Don’t buy over-the-counter medicines that promise “multisymptom relief.” It’s best if you give your child, for example, a simple pain reliever with only one active ingredient rather than something with several different kinds of medicines. Why?

Four reasons:If you use a multisymptom product, you’ll probably give your child medicines he doesn’t need. I’ve found that multi-ingredient products often undertreat fever or pain, or overdo the decongestant, which makes the child jittery. Many “multi” products contain acetaminophen, but if you don’t realize that and give your child an additional dose of Tylenol (acetaminophen), you risk an overdose.

Read labels! Finally, if your child reacts to a multisymptom medication, how will you know which ingredient was the culprit? Keep it simple: Stick with single-action meds.

From The Smart Parent's Guide: Getting Your Kids Through Checkups, Illnesses, and Accidents by Jennifer Trachtenberg.

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