What is the meaning of over the counter drugs?

I think the question is what is the meaning of "over the counter" drugs. Over the counter drugs means the medicines that anyone can buy at the drug store. As opposed to the drugs that you need a perscription for.

Oh thanks for clearing that up LR and thumbs up to you... yep OTC drugs are drugs that are available for purchase without a prescription.

The first response is correct. Any med that you buy that does not require a perscription.

Over the counter drugs you can purchase at the store without a doctors prescription...caffeine is considered over the counter...cold medicaines are over the counter....some are mild forms of stronger drugs with doses you need a prescription for.

Over the counter drugs means the medicines that anyone can buy at the drug store. As opposed to the drugs that you need a perscription for.

Over counter drugs are those drugs for which a prescription is not needed. Pacific lls Treatment Center Pacific .

I think question is asking why are some drugs sold over-the-counter and other drugs sold only by prescription when some of the OTC drugs are much more dangerous and addictive. Think about alcohol, it's sold OTC but it's very addictive and in large volume very bad for people. My response would be that no system is prefect and there are inconsistencies on what is available without a prescription and what isn't.

But as an individual we all need to know and understand what we're using and how much we're using, whether it's OTC or not. A doctor may prescribe a drug that we're particularly sensitive and we could be come addicted to. So a doctor's prescription is no guarantee and conversely just because something is sold OTC doesn't mean it's "safe" and non-harmful.

drug-addiction-support.org/Over-the-Coun... drug-addiction-support.org/Addiction-Pre....

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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