Are republicans who criticize Obama everyday "Obamamaniacs"?

They arent called 'Libdiots' for no reason.

Welll, first off, Enzyte Bob and Sky gave really good answers. Secondly, they wouldn't be considered racists, if their "genuine" concerns, didn't include terms, like "that Kenyan"....or Barak HUSSEIN Obama.........or, ,that Muslim Arab, etc tc etc etc.......... I don't recall EVER once calling Bush "That White Honky Protestant"..Or that "American"...... or referring to him by his Germanic roots........or what have you. It was always either Dubya, or that moron, but RACE AND RELIGION HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, and it should be the same for Obama.

Ya wanna call him B.O...yeah,he stinks like BO...fine..that's fair game, I guess. But all you have to do is read the questions here to see the racist content. Dozens of racist questions get deleted a day, Who's posting them?

Liberals? Sorry lose. Amd for the record, I've been here awhile.....I don't recall seeing so many black avatars who HATE Obama, before the election......but after he became a serious contender, and then WON............... the Ebononics speaking black avatars, like yours, all level 1 or 2, ......*ahem* YOURS, started sprouting here like wild fire.

It got so dark all of a sudden, I thought someone turned out the lights. And interestingly, most of the hard core racist idiots who were posting all the garbage daily, all vanished, and all these new "Home Boys" and girls, started popping up. Racist in and of itself.

And lastly,............I remind you, which side started the whole false "Whitey Tape"rumors and BS story......and then when that failed to pan out, they invented the whole fake BIRTHER issue...... and then resorted to printing up fake Kenyan Birth Certificates.........from the "Republic" of Kenya........a year before Kenya became a "Republic". A duh-. So please..........let's stop pretending that there isn't a racist streak a mile wide in much of the criticism of Obama.

All GOOD points,are always intelligently answered......racist nonsense is usually shown the door. Oh, and of course, as far as what the few NON racist people blame OBAMA for......... Yeah, where were they when Bush was doing the same things or worse? Your rant is an epic fail.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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