Why do republicans criticize barack obama?

He hasn't invaded a few new countries, or given tax cuts to the ultra rich.

Well, being black is a huge deal, but I also dislike his dovish foreign policy, he reminds me of Carter, who was the worst president in the 20th century, possibly the worst ever. Russia has just annexed 1/5 of Georgia, our ally, to create a buffer zone to surround south ossetia and abkhazia. Obama failed and should have forced Russia to uphold their part of the agreement and allowed georgia into NATO so as to prevent this annexation.

I also think he is doing wrong abandoning traditional allies like England and Israel(not supporting England in the Falklands over the socialist argentine prime minister kirchner who is friends with Chavez. He also created a rift with Israel and the Netanyahu government by opposing settlements in east Jerusalem and not standing with them in this recent blockade issue).

Your avatar is looking real " breast-a-licious"!

Republicans HATE Muslims. Of course - they ALSO hate Catholics ... Jews ... Latinos ... Blacks ... HomoSexuals ... Liberals ... Progressives ... Democrats ... Neighbors ... Teachers ... Policemen ... Postal Workers ... and most of their neighbors. But here's the deal - if you want to do a count - you have to include all the muslims that killed other muslims.

Don't you think that's fair? I mean - Bush & Co. Killed thousands of muslims in the first years of the Iraq war .... ......... HOWEVER ...... during the same period - - - Muslims killed 600,000 fellow muslims - what with the Shiite's hating the Sunnis and the Al Qaida crazies killing both.

So - - - I guess if you want to criticize anyone - you should criticize Muslims .... Thanks! ..

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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