Yes, there are several cheap but descent hotels in Las Vegas, some of them are: *Riviera Hotel and Casino Located @ 2901 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas, NV, US 89109 *Emerald Suites South Las Vegas Blvd Located @ 9145 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas, NV, US 89123 * Best Western Mardi Gras Hotel & Casino Located @ 3500 Paradise Rd Las Vegas, NV, US 89109 * NELLIS SUITES Located @ 4555 NORTH LAS VEGAS BLVD Las Vegas, NV, US 89115 * Best Western Nellis Motor Inn Located @ 5330 E Craig Rd Las Vegas, NV, US 89115 * Sahara Las Vegas Hotel and Casino Located @ 2535 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas, NV, US 89109 * Super 8 Motel - Las Vegas/Nellis Located @ 4435 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas, NV, US 89115 * Tropicana Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas Located @ 3801 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas, NV, US 89109
There are chep hotels in Las Vegas and it is also possible to select them by area or landmark, for instance you can select Las Vegas Strip to find cheap hotels in or near Las Vegas Strip (after searching hotels in Las Vegas by selecting dates and clicking on search button).
Staying on the strip I would suggest Harrahs, Treasure Island, and Luxor. They are fairly priced and you can ask to get in the recently remodeled rooms. Most of the hotels offer promo codes that you can save on average around 30% if you are flexible on your vacation dates.
Staying midweek instead of weekends is always cheaper. There are numerous websites that list all of the Las Vegas hotels current promotions and I usually check before booking my stay.
Yes, there are lots of cheap hotels in Las Vegas. - On the Strip try the Stratopshere, Excalibur, the Flamingo or Circus Circus. - There's also lots of reasonably priced hotels on the Strip such as Treasure Island, the Luxor, Planet Hollywood - For some ultra cheap deals check out the hotels in Downtown Vegas
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.